Akatsuki Life

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, Aug 5, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Akatsuki Life

    Alright this roleplay is based on what the Akatsuki members life would be. Naruto and the others are goin on their lives not knowing about Akatsuki existence only the adults do. None of the original Akatsuki members are dead infact the never met Naruto. The Akatsuki still does their missions to increase their reputation and income. New people might join the group but this is what you want their life to be so lets hope its an good one.

    no godmodelling
    pleaze no gayness even if it is tempting for girlz example DeidaraxSasori
    no powerplaying
    cussing is allowed(if it wasnt you could not play Hiden proberly :))
    blood and gore is allowed
    when your done put what a life anywhere in your post
    i dont want tons of Uchihas
    be fair in your Jutsu no one hit killers
    o also dont just say your OC joined Akatsuki make them do something in their village then make them search for Akatsuki
    have fun

    OC Form
    Village: (turns into former when you leave cause the beginning your still in your village)
    jutsus: (3 is the limit at the begining i want you to name the jutsu and give an detailed explanation of its effects)
    preview post:

    Akatsuki Members
    Pein- The Joker
    Deidarra- #8 Axel
    Sasori- Me
    Itachi- Mimiru
    Kisame- Daxma


    Username: Dexnail
    -Name: Yenzo Mekuna
    -Age: 17
    -Gender: male
    -Village: leaf
    -Background: His family the Mekuna family is often looked down upon by the Inuzuka. The reason why is instead of an animal companion the Mekuna jutsus make them turn foxes. Yenzo never liked using the jutsu caused he wonder what would happen if the animal insticts took over. With that fear he almost lost at the chuunin exams but at the last minuts he used it and helped him out greatly. Yenzo was happy when he heard he passed but when he came back home it was on fire and his family did not make it. With his family dead Yenzo is the only one who could use the Mekuna jutsus. Yenzo tried to distance himself away from others but he is still depressed and feels alone.
    -Appearance: He has silver hair that is short in the back and the sides stops at the caller bone the front stops at his eyebrows. Yenzo has gold eyes the cloths he wears are black pants and a white hoody that has an black paw print on the back over some chain mail he wears underneath.

    Jutsu- fox tranformation- this jutsu turns the person into a fox but the person needs to draw blood out of himself first

    plant and animal tranquility- This can only be used when the person is a fox it absorbs the life energy from trees and plants making the person speed increase and the teeth and claws become bigger and sharper

    energy release- this allows the person to release the energy creating an blast that comes out of the person body. This Jutsu is powerfull but once used the person is out of energy and sometimes it can result in death

    Username: Cstar7777
    Name: Shai Hagetaka
    Age: 18
    Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/BVMm5VKGHL...gNinjaGirl.jpg
    Bio: Shai was originally going to not be a ninja and wanted to be a vet for people's animals but in the end her father Letsuo Hagetaka forced her to be a ninja to keep her clan's honor up since her mother died and if he couldn't have a son, he would train his daughter. After a while she was happy she became a ninja and after her long years of work she became a jonin. But even though she has such a high rank people still look down upon her for being A girl and not a boy. After a long time her dad eventually got mad and slashed her in the left eye making it near blindness. She still burdens him for it and wishes her dad wasn't so selfish. One day, after she came back from a mission, her dad eventually couldn't take it anymore and stopped training her the Hagetaka clan's main jutsu. About 1 month later, she stole the book of all the jutsu's in her clan and learned that one jutsu. When her dad found out about this he threatened to kill her. She now lives with her cousin clan, the Inuzuka clan with her pet ferret, Kyori.
    Village: Leaf
    The Hagetaka's main jutsu(Shihai Jutsu): This jutsu causes the allowance to control and animal/human/parasite/or plant for a short time. However is the jutsu is used to often or to long it causes paralysis, internal bleeding from the mouth, nose, and ears, or even death.

    Henge no Jutsu(transformation): When she was learning this jutsu something happened so she could only transform into animals and objects, the human part is never successful for some reason. causes her to feel dizzy for not even a brief moment.

    Bunshin no Jutsu(clone jutsu): The clone jutsu tactic she does use is a wind clone. They work almost as perfect as shadow clones but if she uses it sometimes her emotions get to them and it can cause them to go berserk. Her effects to this is loss of chakra, or weakening

    username- keybladewarrioroflegend
    name- Aki Arata
    age- 36
    appearance- brown hair and blue eyes. slightly tanned skin. he has a hidden scar on his neck, he wears a black jumpsuit and a mask that covers half of his face.
    bio- his parents were killed when he was 5 years old. he believes Itachi was responsible because of a note he found in his parents' room with the Uchiha family symbol on it. he wanted to be a shinobi so he can one day find Itachi and avenge his parents' death. he trained hard and eventually passed the Chunin Exams. he was offered a job at the academy, but refused. he fought Itachi once and barely survived. as a result, he now has a long scar down his cheek that he keeps hidden.

    village- Sand
    Quicksand Jutsu- the ground underneath his opponent turns to quicksand. it slowly begins to devour its victim.

    Sand Needle Rain- he uses the sediment in the ground and turns it into needles. those needles strike the opponent from underground

    Arata Clan Jutsu
    Sand Strike Jutsu- the opponent is trapped in a sand dome. sand needles fly at the opponent in all directions. Aki sticks his arms inside the dome. sand arms come out anf attack the opponent. the dome then falls down.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Username: Cstar7777
    Name: Shai Hagetaka
    Age: 18
    Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/BVMm5VKGHLEFYvYGkOI*dtN7E26ozx8zZmCaXfWQwDCbUKwSCcGpldEfBH2m6OD9VGM1iMG7brotQhU9gNx2nDoASAC6o-tA/SleepingNinjaGirl.jpg
    Bio: Shai was originally going to not be a ninja and wanted to be a vet for people's animals but in the end her father Letsuo Hagetaka forced her to be a ninja to keep her clan's honor up since her mother died and if he couldn't have a son, he would train his daughter. After a while she was happy she became a ninja and after her long years of work she became a jonin. But even though she has such a high rank people still look down upon her for being A girl and not a boy. After a long time her dad eventually got mad and slashed her in the left eye making it near blindness. She still burdens him for it and wishes her dad wasn't so selfish. One day, after she came back from a mission, her dad eventually couldn't take it anymore and stopped training her the Hagetaka clan's main jutsu. About 1 month later, she stole the book of all the jutsu's in her clan and learned that one jutsu. When her dad found out about this he threatened to kill her. She now lives with her cousin clan, the Inuzuka clan with her pet ferret, Kyori.
    Village: Leaf
    The Hagetaka's main jutsu(Shihai Jutsu): This jutsu causes the allowance to control and animal/human/parasite/or plant for a short time. However is the jutsu is used to often or to long it causes paralysis, internal bleeding from the mouth, nose, and ears, or even death.

    Henge no Jutsu(transformation): When she was learning this jutsu something happened so she could only transform into animals and objects, the human part is never successful for some reason. causes her to feel dizzy for not even a brief moment.

    Bunshin no Jutsu(clone jutsu): The clone jutsu tactic she does use is a wind clone. They work almost as perfect as shadow clones but if she uses it sometimes her emotions get to them and it can cause them to go berserk. Her effects to this is loss of chakra, or weakening.
  3. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Well if it is an common justu i want to know if they added an twist to it or they are recognized for being talented in it so to your question Cstar ill look at the details they give so i can consider if it is acceptable and fair :)
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    alright then i'll edit it.
  5. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    well your justu is acceptable but i think the forgetting part is a bit too much for your char considering the first side effect so you can take out that part :)
  6. Mimiru Banned

    Jul 15, 2009
    The World, Japan
    Can I play Itachi?
  7. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    well i havnt read the new manga and i know tobi is not clumsy and harmless like the anime portrays him so you can play him like he is in the manga cause normally the manga is more acurate then the anime :)
  8. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    lol alrighty you got Kisame and thank you for the link :)
  9. Mimiru Banned

    Jul 15, 2009
    The World, Japan
    So I'm guessing I can't play Itachi because I don't see a reply to my post.
  10. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    yes you can be Itachi :)
  11. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    If I may, Pein. Also, "what a life".
  12. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    yes finally somebody to boss me around lol xD, joker you can be pein :)
  13. Mimiru Banned

    Jul 15, 2009
    The World, Japan
    OOC- Thank you thank you thank thank thank you thankyou thank :)
  14. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    All through out the land always an constent struggle for power in the ninja world. With the lust of power and hatred unfortionate souls lives has been ruined. Now the fallen has began an search looking for people that shared their pain. When the years went by the group began to call themselves the Akatsuki. Now their name is across the ninja world but only a few knows about them. They stay in a hide out surrounded by trees and leads underground there the Akatsuki stay.
  15. Mimiru Banned

    Jul 15, 2009
    The World, Japan
    OOC- I haven't seen enough of Itachi to know exactly what he's like but I can keep him emotionless. Has anyone taken Kisame or whoever has the shark sword because I need someone to play him seeing how they're always together.

    Itachi- I sense an extremely powerful energy source nearby. It isn't a biju. It's a prodigy.

    OOC- Ruon plans on making his own character. Is that ok?
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Shai was outside training her ferret again to do a trick, sure she already taught him it before but it never exactly mastered it. After a while she gave up and let the ferret crawl up to her shoulder and fall asleep and stood up and walked over to the training grounds like she always did in the morning. Lately she didn't feel the village was still the same to her, it seemed more, wimpy than it ever did. After a while a sharp pain came to her neck and she looked to see her ferret biting her. "Kyori, what are you doing? that hurt." she said as the ferret crawled to the ground and stood in front of her. "Okay so why don't you run off. get something to eat. then come back in about an hour?" she asked it as it took off away from her. "It's always when it comes to food.." she said as she started practicing taijutsu on a target.
  17. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: Daxma has Kisame and if you dont know how to play him just type up Itachi in google and there should be an wiki that will help you out :)

    Sasori walked the dark halls that was lit with candles against the walls. The master puppeter had an sleepy bored expression upon his face like normal. Noticing Deidarra not bugging him Sasori was a little happier. Normally the red head would be in his puppet but today he wanted to do something different. Sasori looked around wondering where everyone else was but it satisfied him ether way time was never suppose to be wasted.

    Yenzo looked out the window of his house looking at the trees sway in the light wind. With an sigh the mekuna put his jacket on then walked out the door. Yenzo looked at the place he once believed was home but he knew there was somewhere else to escape the painfull memories.

    OOC: yes he can make his own character he just needs to fill out the form and give me an preview post :)
  18. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    username: Ruon
    name: Soruno Takahashi
    age: 12
    appearance: My avatar
    bio: Born on the night of Haley's comet. The chakra radiating from the comet gave Soruno extremely high chakra levels. Raised by the 4th hokage after his parents were killed by bandits. He has sought vengeance against them since. He loses focus rather quick unless he's angered. Cousin of Neji but not Hinata.
    Has the Tenketsu ability.

    Village: (turns into former when you leave cause the beginning your still in your village) Village of Fire Hidden in the leaves

    jutsus: (3 is the limit at the begining i want you to name the jutsu and give an detailed explanation of its effects)
    Drought of Life- Drains chakra from enemy by by long distance. Kind of like shadow possesion but drains chakra. It's range is measured by how focused Soruno is.
    12 trigrams 144 palms- A defensive shield charged by chakra.
    Shuriken Rasegan (wind style)- A rasegan shaped like a demon shuriken powered by wind.

    preview post:
    \Soruno- You'll pay for what you did to my parents.
    Bandit Leader- You can't take all of us kid. 20 against 1 your gonna die.
    Soruno- We'll see about that. Rasegan shuriken. 12 bandits heads are cut clean off.
    The bandits start comiong for him. Soruno uses Tenketsu to stop their hearts.
    Soruno- Time to finish. Draught of Life. the bandfits aura was drained recovering Saruno.
  19. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alrighty there is only a few problems nothing major
    1. can you make him older 17 should be right or older
    2. on the shurriken Rasegan like on the anime it prettty much destroyed naruto's arm so need to see an good draw back
    after you make the corrections ill accept :)

    And Dexma your char has strong jutsu so i need to see an draw back cause your dealing with darkness so there gotta be some price for using it after you make the correction ill accept :)
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: alrighty thank you Daxma :)

    Yenzo was walking towards the training grounds as he looked at the trees. While he walked he saw Shai he knew people did not hate her cause she did not turn into an fox an animal the village hated. With an sigh he continued walking when arrived at the training grounds he remimber goin here with his old squide training for missions when they first became ninja. Yenzo took off his jacket and held it out infront of him looking at the paw print that symbolized his clan on the back of the jacket "it still smell like ashes" the mekuna simply said.
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