Ok after Sora and the others find a message in a bottle with King Mickey signiture and off he goe onto another adventure but this time Kairi and Riku travel with Sora, Donald and Goofy and the enemys are even more gruesome and Namine and Roxas are woth their own bodies again and Sora might take a turn to the past and the 3 chasers are featured(along with the old dude) and here are the places snd the Orginization might have been ressurected and old friends and memories might come back to haunt and will Sora remember the cruel memores of castle oblivion? Sora= Kairi= Riku= Donald= Goofy= Roxas= Namine= King Mickey= Xemnas= Xigbar= Xaldin= Vexen= Lexaeus= Zexion= Saix= Axel= Demyx= Luxord= Marluxia= Larxene= Aqua=InuKH2Sammy Terra= Venn= baldy (name him)= Ansem the Wise (from the DED!) Xehanort= You can be 2 people if you want and if im missing anyone contact me on that ok?