This is one of the most confusing aspects of Pokemon to me. It's pointless to gameshark them or whatever, but it's a complete waste to reset so much too... why do people do this
To give a false sense of accomplishment. People like getting shiny pokémon because of the different colour scheme. I think a lot of pokémon look better regular, for example, Slowbro's spiral tail looks like a turd shiny.
You're in such desperate need of Pokémon research. Spend a night reading Bulbapedia, that might help.
Don't give in to the pressure! YOU CAN DO IT! I'm sure it'll take many hours of your life away but hey, at least it'l be shiny :3
Pokemon's all about collecting, remember, and what would be better than to have the rarest available things? Personally, these are my favorite Shiny's.
Over a decade and 4 generations (for me) and I don't think i've ever caught a shiny, wouldn't remember though back as a wee lad with red and blue, probably saw like 50 and ignored them.
A few specific Pokemon battles have special scripting that sets the Shiny ratio to 0. Zekrom and Reshiram are that way; I'm not sure about any of the others. So there is such thing as a Shiny Kyurem or Cobalion, it's just that there may no such thing as a legitimate Shiny Kyurem or Cobalion[DOUBLEPOST=1367692390][/DOUBLEPOST] Gold, Silver, Crystal, and the remakes have a Shiny Gyarados as an in-game event.
Every interactable overworld Pokémon (minus Victimi, Zekrom, and Reshiram) can be shiny. I actually gave up after a whole day of trying for Cobalion and the other Swords of Justice.
Because it's Shiny, of course. If you're willing to save an reload until you get ideal IVs and a good nature, it can be a pretty kickass Pokemon.