Aefond Kiss (working title) is you have a better name then tell me in the thread.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Clawtooth, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    The gloomy twilight of the forest clearing was close to its last moment as the glowing beacon of the sun rose above the oak and cedar trees. The crocuses and snowdrops, who were very exited by this day sprang up at the first sign of this angel of light and life. The birds who, still feeding their fledgling chicks and had just finished their attempts to keep their territory looked up for a moment at the blazing giant in the sky. The deer and the squirrels awoke form their nocturnal slumber while the badgers and owls longed for the rest and warmth of their dens and hollows. The bees buzzed about the mauve lavender and the golden sunflowers, which grew pell-mell in the glade and were more wild seeming than the bluebells and ivy. It was, as everything knew, the first day of summer and it was time for life to truly begin, as if all of spring had been some sort of test and the reward was this duration of three months of great weather and plenty food. The sun was forever climbing higher and in this ecstatic time of day the forest was ablaze with sound and colour. Brightly coloured birds and insects flew through the air like absurd streamers. Alone, in the warmth of the sun one figure was silent and sleeping, though soon to be awoken. The figure was a young man in his twenty's and he slept silently under the roost of one of the cedar trees.

    cnc please.