Advice on planning/preparing for the future?

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by demonchick25, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    Well my Junior year of high school is almost 75% done. I know I need to plan for collage and take some PSATs and stuff. I already know I don't want to go to community collage, but I've done nothing to try to plan better. My friends are already getting done with SATs/CATs. Compared to all their efforts I feel like I'm trying to keep my self out of any form of a collage. I need help getting myself focused on this stuff, or I won't do so well in the world. Any advice?
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Hm... I would suggest jotting down your ideas you want to do in your life in a notebook. Like make a list of things you want to do, and then write how you're going to accomplish those things. That seems to help me out a whole lot. Also, keeping looking into the notebook I would say weekly. You may want to change some things or add a little more to help you out. Hope that'll help you.
  3. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Well, the primary thing to remember is twofold: First, DONT STRESS OUT! Keep calm and trust that if you are even remotely smart, there will be a college that will accept you. Second, Don't slack off in your Senior year just because you're almost done. Colleges still look at it. In fact, they consider it VERY important.

    Now, you should take the SATs/ACTs as soon as you feel ready, preferably before Senior year, so you don't haveto wait a semester to get into a college. I took mine at the end of Sophmore year.

    Also, think about funding. Are your parents going to pay? Will they help? Are you eligible for any scholarships? There are scholarships for minorities, disabled, sports, academics, writing ability, almost anything you can think of has a scholarship.

    Also, think about career path. You don't want to go to a college that doesn't offer what you want to do in life. I had only two options for college where I live, because only two colleges had Archaeology degrees. But remember, your degree is not set until you graduate College, so feel free to take other things as well.

    Another thing to think about is Can you live on campus, and if not, can you get to campus? Also, check for drivng conditions/bus routes to important places (grocery stores, hospital (just in case), campus, etc) Also, are you mentally ready to live away from home? Can you keep your finances in check without maxing out all your credit cards? Can you remember to clean periodically so your room doesn't become bug-infested? Can you monitor your own schoolwork and keep on track? Can you get up in the morning easily?

    Also, how easy is it to get a job at the town you go to? Remember, community college while living at home is an option in most places. I did it, got my Associates degree, then transferred to a state school with the degree and got out of all my core classes (english, math, etc).

    And always remember - if you choose to get a degree in something you don't enjoy, you will be miserable for the rest of your life. Try, try your hardest, to go for your passion first, and only if that doesn't work, do somethingelse. Don't let your parents dictate your life. They can advise you, but they don't know you as well as you do yourself.

    And above all, regardless of the wall o' text I just gave you, DON'T PANIC!!!! As long as you stay calm about it, and don't stress out your parents about it, you should be fine.
  4. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    those SAT's and CAT's can be totally overrated... but the best thing to do is stay calm and study... plus if you dont do well the first time with those tests just go ahead and take them again until youre satisfied.... yeah, it costs some extra money but it will be worth it for sure and each time you learn something new :D
  5. Yukichin Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 26, 2008
    Breathe, and stay calm.

    -Take the SAT and/or ACT
    -Consider what you want to major in
    -Begin applying to colleges
    -while doing that, be sure to consider if you will live on or off campus
    -Begin applying for scholarships, or at the very least looking for them; it's more important to apply for them as you get closer to college (aka, senior year).

    When you get to your senior year, make sure you fill out the FAFSA once it becomes available.