I recently started a new job about 30/45 minutes away from home. I don't have a car and am on six months probation. As is the rules of my employment with all new employees. (Ending my fifth next Friday.) I looked everywhere to find this job and it was mostly dumb luck I found it and got hired. It's nearly my dream job with a great supervisor and perfect benefits... But.... I don't have any way to get there. My town banned public transportation years ago, and the buses that do run in the next town over costs 100 dollars a month for a ticket, including the fee I would have to pay an uber driver to bring me to the bus stop and home every day, we're talking about 620 dollars a month. I only get about 1,600 a month. I had a ride for months from my mom and then my grandmother cracked her pelvis when she fell. I got a ride for a few months but my driver made it clear that at the end of this month she's going to stop. I've been posting ads everywhere in campus asking for a carpool with helping pay for the gas and fees with only one response from someone who works at a different campus and wants me to walk on the highway to meet her. (I'd take a bus to work from her campus to mine and back again at night. Which adds about another hour to this.) Does anyone know anything else I can do to get a ride? I've tried carpool sites with no luck, btw...
Would cycling to work be an option or a fold up bike that you can ride to the next town to catch their bus? Though if it's 30/45 minutes by car, it's not going to be a short journey.
I could do that, but right now we have three to six feet of snow. *lives in Maine* So it would be hard for at least another month, I'm guessing. They do have a bike rack in front of the bus, so if I could bike there, I can strap my bike there and then just bring it in.
I posted on the info list. (Basically where you post an ad asking for a ride all over campus and a branch of it.) But no one has replied, and it's been about three weeks.