A painted ocean of uncertainty stretches to the ends of the earth, The wilted petals of his soul lay to rest on this silent hearth. Unstirring, it has been stripped of innocence, of worth. Gliding like the rain, without the ground to catch the fall, The darkening sky shows no mercy, nor withdrawl. Is there nothing to ease the uncertainty, To uproot the silence, Replace the innocence, Catch the fall, Lighten the sky? The adjournment crawls closer. -- I wrote this at midnight last night. I was to lazy to get out of bed to write it, so I had to type it on my phone. Gah I changed it like 3 times. I'll probably keep changing it. There's not enough lines in it. I don't quite know how to describe this lil poem lol. CnC please?
Omg, I love the way you flow your words together. And behind them is meaning, your like awesome! It's a real beautiful poem! <333