At long last, Capcom has announced that a fifth entry in the Ace Attorney series is in production. No other details, other than the logo, were reveled. Here's the logo: Along with this announcement, it was also announced that the first 3 Ace Attorney titles are being released on iOS and Android platforms, in the form of Ace Attorney 123. Info for Ace Attorney 123 can be found here. So what do you guys think? Ready for Pheonix Wright and/or Apollo Justice to return yet again?
Most likely it will be Apollo Justice (which gets a lot of undeserved hate) None the less I am extremely excited for this and cannot wait until it come out
As a huge fan of AA who has been waiting years for this announcement I must say, I am very excited. I do think it's got big expectations to live up to, though... For me that would be Spoiler: AA4 Either working just/mostly with the Phoenix cast, seeing the Apollo cast without having Phoenix steal the spotlight, or getting a new cast altogether (I wouldn't like this much personally I think, I already didn't like Apollo's cast as much as the originals, although they were pretty good imo); resolving the "where the fudge did Maya and Pearl go" issue; no ridic filler cases like the circus case in Justice for All. Do I think it will accomplish all of that? Probably not... lol. But ideally, that's what I'd personally want. At least we are more or less guaranteed awesome music. However it goes, I'd be willing to buy it. Very very awesome news for this great series. As for the iOS/Android ports, I will have to look into those (if they're released in English?). Trials and Tribulations is the only translated game in the series I don't own even though it was my favorite, I'd jump at any opportunity to get my hands on it lol.
YES! When I heard this was announced and not a Miles Edgeworth game I was all like "BACK ON TRACK BABY!" Not that I have anything against Investigations it was good it just didn't feel quite as epic as the main series. As for the Wright vs Justice cast debate I would be happy either way (very happy if it's a mix of the two since we'll be seeing the Wright cast after the time skip and that is just epic overall), though I do agree the Wright cast is a lot more loveable. What I'm worried about is if it will be localized, sure Gyakuten Kenji 2 is a spin-off but the reason why they didn't release that was due to poor sells and assuming Gyakuten Saiban 5 comes out on 3DS the cost to make it would probably be more than the DS games. I just hope the importance of this main title influences Capcom to localize it.