I am just asking that in the game Tales in the abyss I am barley learing any new ADskills. Like in my second playthrough I was at level 89, Luke barley learned any Adskills while the others did. I am at my third playthrough. I hade more then 7000 Grade. I inherited all my ADskills. Arts heck I even get 10x the original exp in battle. I am at level 89 again on my third plathrough no new ADskills. Does it have something to do with titles, or C.Core's? Or do I just need to level up more? Also if you have seen MasterLL's video on youtube for the third Sword Dancer Jade and Tear both had a skill where they had to tap O for speeding up casting time. I have skill called Rythem for tear insted of O its X. What level do I need to be for the O one? Also if i have any questions on the story should I just read the synopsis?