Is this new style Enimem has releases in Recovery a great change in this rapping icon?? I think so, but id like to know wat other people think on the matter
Even if you're going to put this in discussion it doesn't belong in the debate corner. I would put this in the usual spot at best but I agree that this would be most fitting for the spamzone. I personally don't care much for rap/hip-hop artists. Its defining quality is a single element of the music and the rest of it becomes a grab bag. Same thing goes for techno actually. I simply can't get myself to enjoy a genre that varies so wildly from one track to the next.
I don't listen to much rap/hip hop artist especially mainstream ones but personally I like Eminem and his new album Recovery, I own it actually. It is a lot different from his other albums his more goofy songs would be: Slim Shady as opposed to his more serious songs like about his daughter he's: Marshall Mathers. But I perfer his older albums though, This might just be my opinion when I say that this album just felt like a "rapped" apology letter.. But as for the change I like that he's coming back, some songs were great on this album but the one before: Relapse..not so great.
His rapping style has already changed from the recovery album. Rihannas 'love the way you lie Part II' and Nicki Minaj's 'Romans Revenge' show his rappings different from recovery. More angry shouty-ness now. One friend suggested it was the lack of drugs in his system that caused this XD
I think he's a lot more boring and generic now. Not Afraid? Seriously? It's horribly cheesy and it's been done a thousand times. There's nothing that stands about him anymore. He's not Eminem anymore, he's just that one white drugged up rapper.
I do not agree, I think that recovery has a nice meaning. And love Eminem for not singin about a girl he gets all night without knowing her name or something. I don't like hip/hop. But Eminem is always different, he always has a meaning behind thinds, And yes. he's more serious, but we all have to grow up sometime...
This. He actually would go very personal with his songs (Mockingbird, Cleaning out my Closet and Like Toy Soldiers). But also make some pretty funny and catchy songs like Without Me and Shake That. I can see he tried to get back with humor again with 'We Made You' but after realizing that sucked he thought he should go serious... which honestly is not working out still. His songs used to be timeless but now I just get tired of them after 4 times of listening to it. I cannot stand to listen to 'I'm not Afraid' or 'Love the Way You Lie'. lolwhat. His recent songs ails in comparison to Stan (about an obsessive fan who drowns himself with his pregnant girlfriend) and Cleanin' Out My Closet if you want to look at terms of seriousness. Which was why he is/was such a respected rapper for switching seamlessly from comedic songs to more serious ones.
This a thousand times this. Except that he now is just that one white-not-drugged-up-anymore-rapper. No but seriously, his work before the five year hiatus was way, way better. Every sentence he dropped was amazing and his different characters and opinions were great. Now he uses the same angry, bland voice over and over. Don't get me wrong, I still liked Recovery (hated Relapse btw), but I really think he left Eminem and Slim Shady behind him. It's a turn for the worse. This comes from a huge Eminem fan btw.
To be honest, I don't think that it is that he has become dull or generic. I think that it is just the novelty wore off. When he first showed up he caused such a huge impact and he made the world stand and look at him. Now though we are so used to him that even though his music is still good, it doesn't have the same effect on us. It isn't so much that his talent has decreased or lessened, rather that our expectations have risen and he hasn't managed to match them as he would have once done. It happens all the time in music when something new comes along; we adore it and idolise it, but after so long we grow tired of it because something new comes along.