Alright KHV, I need your help. There's this lovely little tree in my backyard. It's been there as long as I can remember. A few years back, the neighbors built a garage on the other side of the fence. Unfortunately, they're now saying that the tree roots are going to break the foundations of their garage. So we're going to have to chop it down. My deal is, I don't want it to get chopped down. It is a rather nice tree and, as stupid as it sounds, I love it. It has sentimental value, not because I have any particular memories of it but simply because it's been there as long as I can remember. So I need your help to convince my dad to keep it. I'll need both sides of the argument so I can prepare for anything he can throw at me. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: -The neighbor's garage is partially on our property. When we redid the fence 10 or more years ago, it got moved a bit. -The neighbor's also built the air vent pointing towards our side on the fence. The "out" air vent. -The roots of the tree stick up from the ground, getting in the way of the lawn mower. -No grass grows under the tree anyways. -If it gets cut down, the tree will be used for Christmas. -The tree was there first. -I've offered to buy the tree from my dad. The tree as it is, in the ground. So there you have it KHV. My tree is in danger and I need you to help me save it. Also, mods, if this belongs in the Spam Zone, I will not complain.
Wow. That's quite the predicament you got there. But I don't think that is strange at all. If the tree holds sentimental value as you say, I would also find a way to preserve it. If the neighbor's garage is on a part of your property as you say, can't you ask them to remodel it so it isn't on your property and not in the tree's way either. Probably the reason the roots are moving in is because there is noting left in that area to sustain it. As you said, no grass grows there because there is nothing to nourish it. Anyway, I would see if you could find a way to keep it alive. Use as a Christmas tree is ok, but how long will the tree itself last...? This seems out of the blue for me, but I also have a tree on my property that I'm sort of attached to. I was devastated from the damage it endured during the snow in October, and I would be heartbroken if it ever had to be cut down. That's my 2 cents on the matter anyway.
Look... Imagine that you move into a house and spend a bunch of money on a garage. Now I don't know how your neighbors are doing financially, but given this economy, let's say it was an accomplishment for them, an investment if you will. And now that investment is going to be ruined, you're going to lose your place to park, and you're going to have to spend a bunch of money on repairs. But oh wait, you can avoid all of that loss simply by removing a tree. But, your neighbor won't let you. You're going to lose your garage and have wasted a bunch of money, because your neighbor happens to be attached to a particular tree. I'm not trying to be a jerk here but please try to see this from the other side. It's a tree. I don't know about you but I would be seriously outraged if I spent a large amount of my time and money on my garage and lost it to a tree.
They've lived there for years. Longer than we've lived in our house actually. They knew the tree was there when they built the garage. It's kinda hard to miss considering it towers above the fence.
And how would they have considered the fact that their future neighbors would be sentimental to said tree and not want to chop it down? Are you really saying you expected them to think that far ahead?
This is a hard situation... If we ask them to ignore they won't; and we can't say I don't care Mr. neighbor. As BS7 said, probably the tree's roots are searching for something to sustain it. Keep in mind that it is just trying to survive, it's a live begin after all. And as all live beings, I believe they somehow have the right to live. Alright, you already think about the neighbor side, maybe the neighbor already thought about your side; but let's try to think about the tree side. I believe isn't the tree that is getting on the neighbor's way, maybe the neighbor is getting on the tree's way. After all, in order to it survives, it has to sustain itself; the neighbor already knew about the tree's existence, but ignored it and didn't know about the possibility that the tree could start break his foundations. Or, in a evil side, knew about that possibility and would cut that tree down if that happens. Good luck with this, I hope all the three sides get out of this winning. =]
There are laws for this. I suggest you thoroughly check the laws that apply in your area in such instances, especially who' s financially responsible for what, otherwise anything you say won' t hold much weight.
Okay let me make something very clear to you. It's. A. Tree. And it does not have any opinions on this matter or on anything. How is that evil? How could it possibly be evil to know that you might have to cut this tree down someday, but leave it just in case it grows in a way that doesn't interfere with you? Where is the logic? Are you saying cutting a tree down is evil?
It's. A. Neighbor. Always wanted to say that. Back to topic; Maybe I wanted to say "something bad" instead. It holds some emotional value to someone, so it can't be "just" something, it's more than that, even if it's a tree. I would be really upset if someone burned my T-shirt that all my friends signed on my last school's year (I'm saving a T-shirt to use next year to it), for example. A tree or not a tree, it's a live being right? It may not be an animal but it's living. And trees are important to the World. I'm just saying that there must have a way to end this problem with the tree alive and the neighbor happy.
You really don't like my tree, do you? The garage went up a few years ago. They didn't know when they moved in that they would build a garage there someday. I agree with Excasr. Trees are important for this world. Garages? Not so much. Regardless, the garage is there now, as is the tree. I just want a way to keep the tree.
In a worst case scenario, Spoiler The Tree must go :( You could use a seed from the old tree to plant a new one. That way, even if your tree is gone, it will continue life anew. (Far from any Neighborly foundations)
A quick Google brought me to this page: The information will, obviously, vary depending on the laws of where you live, so I would still look into them. But according to this, your neighbor can cut up any part of the tree encroaching on his property. I'm not a logging expert but cutting the roots of the tree can't be good for it, and I believe you only own the parts of the tree on your property. If the tree remains and does damage their garage, you may also be liable for damages. Just something to think about.
Well, I can't help you in any argument for the safety of your tree, but I can give you a little bit of advice: If you lose your tree, yeah, it'll be sad, but life does go on, and like Krowley said, you could always plant a new one. It might not grow to it's full height in your lifetime, I know it takes trees a long time to grow, but it will be there for future generations to enjoy. A few years ago, my family lived in a big house with a huge front yard and backyard. In the front yard was a perfect climbing tree, and in the backyard, there were two plum trees and an apple tree. We spent the better part of two years in those trees, eating fresh apples and plumbs every autumn. But then, due to monetary issues, we had to move out into the smaller house next door. A few months ago, the house got sold, and the new neighbors chopped down all the fruit trees and seriously mutilated the climbing tree, cutting off almost ever branch so that all is left is a long stump. It was very sad, but we needed to move on. So I sincerely hope you can save your tree, but don't feel too badly if you can't.
I think you should just burn the tree and your neighbours house. Could be very fun,and solve the problem forever. But,as Misty said,they do have the right to cut down the tree etc etc. Maybe talk/rant to your neighbours about it,and try and make them see sense? But,honestly,I think your gonna have to say goodbye to that tree. And in revenge,burn it all. I shall stop with the fire-lovingness.
OMG. Yea, pretty much this: Just be aware about Misty post. And burn your neighbor's house. It will be fun, and your revenge complete. And then you can tell us Spoiler
I am a horticulture student (I study plants) and something I learned might be helpful, most trees are very strong and can survive if upto half of their roots are cut. You said the roots are growing just under the ground so it won't be hard to cut them. If you cut the roots growing toward the garage then fertilize the roots on the other side for a week or two it will train the tree to grow its roots that way instead just make sure you cut outside the tree line (that's the area where the branches end) or you could really harm the tree. Be careful though some types of trees won't survive this but it's always a last chance option that will probably save the tree, you can probably find videos on YouTube to show you how to cut the roots properly