It seems that it's quite a popular band under the members here on KH-Vids. I can understand why, they made some pretty good songs. Pressure being one of them. But for the rest, I think it is one of those bands where you listen to for a week or so, but then just toss aside, and never do something with it ever again. What do you think :D BTW: I don't know if this thread is supposed to be here, or in the Spam zone. I figure it should be here, but feel free to move this thread if neccisary.
Paramore is more of an Alternitive band, and I don't really like them. My favorite song by them is Decode, and I don't even like that song all that much. They are entirely played too much, and because of that, the lyrics seemed more and more watered down to me. And since Twilight had a song for it, Decode I mean, the band became even MORE popular with the little fan girls. But I dislike Twilight as much as anyother would, I read the books though. They seemed great, the movie, I vowed to never see. I guess your accusation is correct, because I have only four songs of them on my iPod, and yet, I only listen to them when it's on shuffle.
I agree, Paramore has great songs, but all in all i think they got caught up in the Twilight mess and thus they got swept away when it ended. (i hope it did. the movie was a load of crap and i never saw it.)
I agree in that Paramore has become way too outplayed. I've been a fan of them for a very long time (pre-RIOT!, which is rare among their 'fans') and I can hardly listen to them because they've become so whored. It's part of the reason I don't watch music stations anymore; they find something decent and play it so much that you can't stand it anymore. Honestly, a lot of their new stuff isn't anything compared to what was on All We Know is Falling. I'm hoping that I can chalk it up to a sophomore slump and that they'll improve with their next album.
I tried liking them because most of my friends did and I just couldn't... I think the only song I really liked was... "Thats what you Get"... and like most of the others have said I didn't like it thaaaat much. I think the band Flyleaf is better. But I'm just saying cuz those are the only two Girl Bands I listen to.
Paramore is just another throw away generic pop-punk band whose only difference to garbage like Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco is the female vocalist.
B| 'Kay, yeah, for serious I know what you mean. Their popularity just randomly sky-rocketed over the last year. Their music isn't BAD, it's just doesn't stand out to me. Not to mention the fact that they're annoyingly over-popular.
I actually like Paramore, have done for a massively long time, though I do agree that they are now overplayed. I cannot stand the song Decode anymore because Kerrang radio played it that much that it now makes me want to punch something, and I used to love that song. Overexposure to something can really make you dislike it. Anyways, I still listen to them occasioanlly, not as much as I used to, but I don't hate them.