:.A Sinful Era.:

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Mar 15, 2009.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    This is an experiment I need to help with a story thingy that's been stuck in my head for quite some time now, so ideas and such would help. And I'm kinda dazed while typing this...


    "One of the most amazing images of love that I know is Persian – a mystical Persian representation as Satan as the most loyal lover of God. You will have heard the old legend of how, when God created the angels, he commanded them to pay worship to no one but himself; but then, creating man, he commanded them to bow in reverence to this most noble of his works, and Lucifer refused – because, we are told, of his pride. However, according to this Muslim reading of his case, it was rather because he loved and adored God so deeply and intensely that he could not bring himself to bow before anything else, and because he refused to bow down to something that was of less superiority than him. (Since he was made of fire, and man from clay.) And it was for that that he was flung into Hell, condemned to exist there forever, apart from his love."

    Lucifer's love turned to hate and jealously of the humans, blaming them for everything. While trapped in the pits of hell, his power grew from feeding off of the souls of the dead. Even the other demons fed off of the power of the souls of the once powerful. As he grew stronger he thought of returning to the heavens only after turning the humanly plane into the hell he was confided to. Before he was able to do that, some of the other demons found their way to Earth, causing a riot there. One of the more powerful demons, Gluttony, representing one of the deadly sins, created a portal for Lucifer to get free from Hell. By this time Earth was already in ruin with both angel and human kind fighting off the demons who claimed Earth as their new home. Some of the humans turned into demons and blood painted the Earth.


    The demons came to a modern day Earth when some humans were finding out of their unnatural powers. Most of the fighting takes place in the ruins of New York (first place came to mind that's a large city >>),which was also the place where Lucifer arrived at. Most of the buildings are either ruble or only have the metal frame left, but some houses/buildings are in good shape thanks to people who protect them. Subways are hideouts for humans which led to a makeshift underground house like areas. (Large room where the people can hide with metal doors that are hidden as entrances)


    Humans: Everyone knows this part... Humans are either powerless or have one to three powers and the elemental power(s) should fit in with their personality(This applies only to humans). Like fire means the person is strong hearted, stubborn ever, 'fiery' personality, and as a fire would eat anything, the people who control fire would believe anything. Water(including ice/mist or steam) means calm, free/flows with whatever is happening, maybe even he or she doesn't follow rules, but isn't exactly called rebellious. Earth/nature means strong, independent, loving, kind, open minded, normally aren't shaken up easily and stand their ground. Wind = bit like water but they like to speak their mind and some are loud-mouthed, don't like listening, do as they wish, but they can be wise. Light = Kind, caring, motivational, never gives up, sometimes shy, but friendly and all that. Dark = Sometimes are psychotic, sadistic, not always evil, but may have a dark sense of humor, the anti hero even. With other powers, be creative or use other powers, like telepathic, transformation, spiritual things, *too tired to think of any others, but you get the idea, right?*

    Demons: I would like demons representing the seven deadly sins, expect for pride since that's me, and make sure they match the sin, like greed has to be greedy. D: Other then that, demons either have to take possession of a human or other being to stay on Earth, take a form of a monster type being, looks like a human with some inhuman features. They can have four or five powers (or less of course) and the more human they can look, the more powerful they are and the more control they have over their actions. (The most powerful ones are the ones who represent the sins.)

    Angels: Some angel names for inspiration. Angels are usually viewed as emanations of a supreme divine being, sent to do the tasks of that being. Traditions vary as to whether angels have free will or are merely extensions of the supreme being's will. While the appearance of angels also varies, many views of angels give them a human shape. They can have the same amount of powers as the demons.

    Other: Feel free to create your own species, but I must approve.


    *No god molding (I'll make sure not to go power crazy D: Though that's going to be tough...xD)
    *You're restricted to five characters.
    *Be sure to follow the species list.
    *First post has to be blue
    *Use good grammar, please.
    *Blood and gore are allowed, just keep romance pg-13


    Species Description: (Only if they are in the other section)
    Anything else:
    Played By:

    Name: Lucifer
    Age: ?
    Gender: Male
    Species: Fallen archangel/Demon
    Weapon: Uses none
    Power: Fire, darkness, telekinetic, illusionary magic, transformation
    Personality: Prideful
    History: I don't feel like typing it all again.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Anything else:
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Archangel Ariel
    Age: ?
    Gender: Appears in a female form
    Species: Angel
    Weapon: in pic
    Power: Earth and air
    Personality: Ariel is an Archangel closely related to nature. She is particularly helpful for teachers and healers and assists with psychic development. She works with Raphael when healing the physical body.
    Appearance: Normally appears as a loin or [​IMG]
    Anything else: Virtues are courage, focus, healing, awakening and has a 'third eye'
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Laya
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Weapon: None
    Power: Shields herself whenever danger threatens her or when she's touched by evil, lighting and earth
    Personality: Her nature related powers make her calm and steady but the lighting in her makes her up beat and always waiting to strike
    History: She's a run away that has lived on the streets of NY for years before the demons came, making life harder. She'd fight anyone who messes with her but is uninterested in the war going on upside.
    Appearance: Without wings [​IMG]
    Anything else:
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Azrael
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    Species: Angel
    Species Description: Wings of fire
    Personality: cold, passion for vengeance, silent
    History: Angel of Death, and Angel of God's Will. An ususpecting twist lies hidden under his past.
    Appearance: regular=[​IMG]
    killer mode/angelic mode=[​IMG]
    Played By: D.M.R

    Name: ArchAngel Michael
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Species: Seraphim/ArchAngel
    Weapon: Flaming sword
    Power: Fire(as in...HOLY SH*T THAT'S A LOT OF FIRE!!! D8), teleportation, light, being awesome. B|
    Personality: Calm, cool minded, helps those in need, and is very noble.
    History: The angel who originaly cast Lucifer out of heaven(I know my angels. >8D), he's been sent back to Earth to do it once more.
    Appearance: http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/v.../angel1hjy.jpg
    Anything else:
    Played By: Just call me Arch.

    Name: Ame Mitsukai
    Age: ????
    Gender: female
    Species Description: Wings of life and sadness (I had to think)
    Weapon: Katana
    Power:Water and the songs she sings have effects on people and the area around her.
    Personality: Nice,Confident,Couragous,and Sad at ttimes
    History: Whenever she is seen in the rain she looks like a rabbit half the time and is usually seen crying in the rain (her name means rain and her last name means angel).She's happy most of the time but when she remembers something from her past her head starts to hurt and it takes a while for her to forget.
    Appearance: http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n...nime-angel.png
    Anything else: Nicknamed "The Rabbit who cries in the Rain"
    Played By: Shadow_Rocks

    Name: Arch-Angel Marie
    Age: ???????
    Gender: Female
    Species: Demon/ Arch-Angel
    Weapon: None
    Mind Control, Probability manipulation, Power mimicry, Empathy and Sound Manipulation.
    Extremely lazy, prefers not to do anything and to enjoy just simply lying down and soak into the sun. Loves the 21st Century as it is filled with so many lazy people trying to make life easier for themselves. The best thing about having her job is that she doesn't have to do it herself. Humans are already progressing onto that level themselves.
    History: Back in the days when she was an Angel, she would help God with the documentation of who went into heaven, and also organize special events for God and the Saints. She became a demon, mainly because one of those days, when she was by the gateway to heaven, waiting for the next batch of people accepted, she met this human guy, and had a long talk with him. She found out that he had died trying to save his little sister, getting burnt alive as a consequence, and now she had no family to take care of her. Out of pity, without anyone looking, she personally sent him down to earth, so he could have one more chance in life. Exhausted as she was from coming to earth after dealing with so many people coming to heaven that week, once the guy came back to life, she fell asleep on the chair next to him for about 3 hours.
    When she came back, she found out that she left the gates unattended, and the interior of heaven was being teared down by demons. She was summoned to God once the demons were sent to wherever they came from.
    He then had a chat with her, mentioning that she had broken a rule, that once a human was either in heaven or hell, there was no escape for them, no matter how sad their life stories are and so on. He then mentioned that he was going to remove her ability to stay dilligent and organized. She yelled back, right before falling down from heaven, ''This isn't right. I did what I thought was right, you had given me a conscience after all!! You can't turn me into one of them!! You need me!! You know that!!''
    She then drooped her head down in silence, muttering, ''Enlighten me. Whoever replaces my job will taste the likes of hell from me. You make these humans work to the bone, so they can die? They need a rest man. And so do us Angels. I don't get it with you. You love these humans, yet allow them to die? How can you live with yourself? They're not all 'Adam' or 'Eve' you know? They're all individuals that require love and care, and you just let them all go off to fend for themselves. What if angel Gabriel suddenly decided that he wanted a vacation? What would you do? Eh? EHH?''
    That very instant, her dignity was taken away, and thus she fell from heaven.
    Whilst she fell, her wings grew darker from the dark clouds, painting her wings as black as the night. The bottom parts of her wings withered away, and her wings ended up looking more like bat-wings.
    Anything else: Her deadly sin is ''Sloth.'' Her nickname
    Played By: Cherry

    Name: Arc Angel Kyle
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    Species: Arch-angel/Demon
    Weapon: Black raven Blade
    Power: the dark elements(dark lightning,dark ice,dark fire,dark water dark wind) can summon a giant black raven that have the same powers as him. He can fly.
    Personality: He has a dark personality and his ideologies and philosophies are some of the reasons that he has such a dark personality.
    History: His history is riddled with questions that he doesn't want answered.he got his memories Erased for a reason he doesn't understand, he just know's that he's better off without knowing his past.
    Anything else: His Sin is "Wrath".

    Name: Misty
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Species: Demon
    Weapon: She usually uses her fist, but if she has to she will bring out a red sword with demon aura which is very sharp.
    Power: Can eat anything but she can still get stomach aches and stuff if she eats bad stuff. Has powerful strength, can control some earth element
    Personality: Always hungry hardly ever full,happy,outgoing
    History: She grew up as a human but she was very mean human, she would lay tricks on people. And one day she killed a man and then killed another then another. Until finally she was turned into a deadly sin which was Gluttony, cause she ate a lot but was able to keep a figure.
    Appearance: She has short orange hair,a short sleeved black shirt with red lines down the shoulders to the end of the sleeves and down the middle front and back. With long baggy shirts.
    Anything else: Is Gluttony

    Name: Hela
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Species: Demon (Goddess of Death in Teutonic reilgion)
    Weapon: uses none
    Power: Controls the human soul, wind, water, and changes form
    Personality: She's envious of course. Cold towards others, distrusting, distant.
    History: She's live on Earth her whole life, undetected. Even though she grew with a rich family, she never was happy with what she had. Everyone always had something better than her. Toys... pets... loving parents. She wanted it all. And one day when she was talking to her 'parents' she became angery without reason. Without warning those who were her family started to bleed from their eyes. The blood black. Shortly afterwards they fell, never to get up. At first she had no idea what happened but she learned of what she was over time. She wondered the streets before metting other demons. Now she's on her own after those demons betrayed her. She believes she'll never be happy and no one will ever be her friend.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Anything else: She repersents envy and is unable to mentally grow up past the day her so called parents died.
  2. Dr. Mythril Roxas Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 16, 2009
    Name: Azrael
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    Species: Angel
    Species Description: Wings of fire
    Personality: cold, passion for vengeance, silent
    History: Angel of Death, and Angel of God's Will. An ususpecting twist lies hidden under his past.
    Appearance: regular=[​IMG]
    killer mode/angelic mode=[​IMG]
    Played By: D.M.R (me)
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Name: ArchAngel Michael
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Species: Seraphim/ArchAngel
    Weapon: Flaming sword
    Power: Fire(as in...HOLY SH*T THAT'S A LOT OF FIRE!!! D8), teleportation, light, being awesome. B|
    Personality: Calm, cool minded, helps those in need, and is very noble.
    History: The angel who originaly cast Lucifer out of heaven(I know my angels. >8D), he's been sent back to Earth to do it once more.
    Appearance: http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv279/anna_and_edward_4ever/angel1hjy.jpg
    Anything else: Random Angel...Lucifer is also classified as a Seraph. =p
    Played By: Just call me Arch.
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Arch...shut up D: I was ready to pass out while doing the profiles.

    Ah, and Arch is in. And so is the other one cause I dun feel like enforcing the rules right now...lucky
  5. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Name: Ame Mitsukai
    Age: ????
    Gender: female
    Species Description: Wings of life and sadness (I had to think)
    Weapon: Katana
    Power:Water and the songs she sings have effects on people and the area around her.
    Personality: Nice,Confident,Couragous,and Sad at ttimes
    History: Whenever she is seen in the rain she looks like a rabbit half the time and is usually seen crying in the rain (her name means rain and her last name means angel).She's happy most of the time but when she remembers something from her past her head starts to hurt and it takes a while for her to forget.
    Appearance: http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n410/Shadow_Queen1/Anime-angel.png
    Anything else: Nicknamed "The Rabbit who cries in the Rain"
    Played By: Shadow_Rocks

    ............It's hard to think without listening to J-POP (I like the color blue)
  6. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    This is my first RPing in 2 months so excuse me if any of my profile is wrong;

    Name: Arc Angel Kyle

    Age: ???

    Gender: Male

    Species: Arch-angel/Demon

    Weapon: Black raven Blade

    Power: the dark elements(dark lightning,dark ice,dark fire,dark water dark wind) can summon a giant black raven that have the same powers as him. He can fly.

    Personality: He has a dark personality and his ideologies and philosophies are some of the reasons that he has such a dark personality.

    History: His history is riddled with questions that he doesn't want answered.he got his memories Erased for a reason he doesn't understand, he just know's that he's better off without knowing his past.


    Anything else: His Sin is "Wraith".

    Played By: daxma
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Everyone is added. If no one wants to change their character before they post then we can start. (Once posted you can't change your character profile unless you pm me about it and I allow you to)

    So, ready to go?
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    *Violates* B| Yes. Ready. D8<

    EDIT: Since RA wants me to start...I'll start. xDD

    IC: A white haired male folded his wings, staring down at the desolate ground below from atop a metal structure. He took in a deep breath as his bright yellow eyes scanned the area bellow, his mind wondering if any mortal was beneath him. Lucifer... The name cut across his thoughts. He growled and spread his wings, jumping down and gliding as he searced for anything that wasn't a demon. He landed softly on the ground and turned his head from side to side, wondering if he could find any humans. He was the one who struck Lucifer down once before and it was his duty to do it again. You will pay.
  9. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    ya we're ready, the question is are you?!?!(don,don,don!!!)
  10. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Ame was flying in the sky looking down at a large city "This place looks better from higher up" she said to herself
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc No, not really. I hate Mondays D< ...least I was writing some today

    Laya had to go upside, meaning out of the subways she knew so well, to gather more supplies and to check out the current condition of everything, which was horrid. She was searched through a building-that was mostly put together besides the top was nothing but a frame-when she saw an angel through on of the windows going down. She never seen an angel up close so she ran to the stairs and down to the first floor and hide behind what was left of the wall and peeked to look at the white haired angel.
  12. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Kyle walked the streets of new york and looked around.The crime could be smelled from here.He saw a group of rapists in an alley you were becoming enraged and were going to rape a woman.He went down the alley and they looked at him and the woman just screamed save me.The guys looked at him and began to slowly draw there guns but before anything happened kyles blade had pierced the first guys chest.He withdrew it and hit the next guy with the blunt end of his sword as he slit the throat of the third guy.The second guy stumbled back slightly concussed and confused.The woman ran away in horror but managed to make the words "Thank You".He said to the guy who was left "Justice comes upon us all...upon us all...." he said as he flew up into the sky out of sight.
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: D8< *Tackles*

    BIC: Michael rolled his shoulders and hid his wings underneath his clothing, lifting a hand to run it through his hair. "This place is a mess." He muttered to himself, feeling a pain deep down as he remember how the Earth was before any of the chaos had happened. I wonder where the humans are... He turned around, catching a glimpse of something. "Hm...?"
  14. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Laya hide fully behind the wall when she thought the angel was about to look her way. Untrustworthy the lot of them. She thought with a nod, holding her breath and hoping he'd go away now.
  15. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Ame landed on a sidewalk and looked around "Hmm this is...kinda nice" she said to herself. She got out a white jacket and put it on hiding her wings and then started running towards a park.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Michael raised an eyebrow, thinking he heard something. He slowly headed over towards the wall and clenched his left hand tightly into a fist, the air shaking around it from the heat. There's someone near...
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    She heard the footsteps come near her and slid down to her knees, hoping to crawl away since walking was louder thanks to her sneakers that weren't very sneaky. Should of stayed upstairs.
  18. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Ame walked into the park and looked around "This is much better there are no buildings which makes it a bit nice" she said to herself as she sat on a bench looking at the sky
  19. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    As he flew away he thought that it was ironic that he killed those who expressed the emotion that was the very thing he represented.He flew over the buildings and saw a subway opening."Thats the reason i haven't seen many humans" he thought as he just dropped 30 feet into the subway and softened his landing with his wings.He began to walk and look through the subway.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Michael moved passed the wall and laughed slightly when he saw a girl trying to crawl away. "Odd. I didn't expect to find anyone so quickly." He stated quietly, letting the heat evaporate from his hand.
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