A simple work of poetry from my intricate mind.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by GhettoXemnas, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    And thus I leave the seat of my thone
    For there is no curing how unsatisfied I've grown
    I sit, day and night, with one thing on my mind
    There are thousands of lives who's fate I must bind
    So it begins.

    A lie here, a truth there
    Soon my words have spread every where
    To the skies above, the streets, and the slums
    Only I know of what comes

    And in due time, the fools begin to riot
    Not even my words can keep them quiet
    Soon the guns and knives are out
    The air is filled with the smell of fresh blood and anguished shouts
    War erupts across the land
    Upon seeing this all I take my crown and...

    ... thus I take to the skies
    To watch from above as the world dies
    Even though I am sure to go as well
    I take pride in turning the earth into hell
  2. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Wow, i don't think I can pull that off!
    Good job!