Woo, I made up a game~ Okay so, what you do is post a secret a truth and a lie. The next poster guesses which one is which, if they get it wrong, another person has to guess, if they get it right, they get to post theirs. Simple, yes? ;3 Okay, here's mine: 1 - I wish I was a guy 2 - I accidentally blew up ice cream once 3 - I dropped my brand new phone in a pool GO GO GO
lul you wish to be a guy? XD anyway... A huge ****ing flying thing just flew into my shirt. My water once had way too much manganese in it. I wish I was a...WOMAAAAN.
I CAN HAS A TURN. ;D 1.) I LOVE sushi. One of my favorite foods. <3 2.) I am allergic to wasps 3.) I kissed a girl and liked it.