So why isn't there gonna be any love interest? That's bullshit if that's the case then why did Sora and kairi drew Paopu fruit (can't spell it right) at the end of kh1? The fruit represents love dammit
I don't think it's something that should be stressed because it would take away from the story, and also because the story is just not about relationships. It's not a love story, it's a story about Sora. However it is something that should be teased because there is definitely something there, and part of that relationship is what drove the story of the first one. Though because it wasn't the story itself, it allowed for other points of the story to be focused on, and allowed for us to have a better feeling of the setting of the story, and type of elements that play a key part in the world of KH.
Good point. I'm not sure why. I actually thought that later on in the series Riku and Sora would fight for Kairi. Haha
Because Kingdom Hearts is about Disney characters fighting against Final Fantasy characters to determine who has the most kawaii desu ne robot fantasy football team, not the relationships between characters who have nothing to do with the plot.
There is love interest. Kairi and Sora is pretty obvious (scenes from the first game, the dialogue between Namine and Sora in CoM, Kairi's thoughts on Sora in the second game, etc.). The way I see it, Sora and the gang are still pretty young and KH is, or at least was, a children-aimed game so the relationships were kept pretty innocent and relatively low key. I personally hope it stays that way -I enjoy the subtlety- I just wish there was a confirmation on Sora and Kairi. I don't mind RikuxSora pairings (though I'm not a fan of fanpairings at all to begin with), but when people insist that it's canon is what gets under my skin.
I don't think it would do anything for the series. I hope no romantic/love-based relationships ever happen in Kingdom Hearts. It just doesn't seem like that kind of series anymore.
How I feel about the matter as well. I don't want some teenage love triangle drama going on with this series like it does with quite a few other youth-oriented shows, because it would ultimately detract from the (pretty good) plot of the games. See Book 1 of Legend of Korra for what I mean.
OH I'm sorry unhappy Square fans... I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER FINAL FANTASY 8 and 10 STORIES WITH OBVIOUS LOVE INTERESTS THAT MANY OF YOU NEGLECT. I mean all jokes aside...I started playing Kingdom Hearts in 2nd or 3rd grade. I wasn't interested in that as a younger kid. The whole reason I think I'm such a big fan of the games is because I grew up with it, and it helped me form a lot of mindsets on the importance of friendship, and all that cute jazz. I think Sora and Kairi being together would be unnecessary at this point. They don't need to love each other in a romantic or sexual way. I think it ruins how innocent and naive the characters are.
If that's the case then why did kairi draw a paopu fruit at sora at the end of kh 1? It represents love. I honestly think Normura screwed up (like always)
It represents two people's destinies becoming intertwined. It means that they will remain apart of each others lives no matter what. (Hear this before?) That can represent love, but there are many types of love. I don't love my mom the same way that I love my boyfriend. She drew it because she wanted to remain apart of her life. I mean you can think what you want, but this is how I want to interpret it.
Haley is right though, Riku only mentions the Paopu fruit representing destinies intertwining (which COULD mean love, but not always), this is also a recurring thing in BBS, Aquas makeshift paopu fruits all sort of connect them.
I guess KH has little space for teen relationship, they did get a window of oportunity at the end of KH II when Sora & Riku go back to Destiny Islands and Sora/Roxas sees Kairi/ Naminé in that spot a kiss would be great, they end up with a shake of hands... they both friendzoned each other. Even though that would be good as a scene, teen love is almost always boring >_>... the game would become somewhat less apealing if it became a teen love game.. Kairi would be all the time "Get your hands out of my boyfriend your heartless b*tch!" ... can't see it happening. Even Terra X Aqua didn't get their scene and they had their roles as "Ventus parents" in all the game.. so I guess friendship is Ok for Sora. By this point we all know that Sora loves Kairi, and Kairi also loves Sora.. all Chain Of memories was about this, 358/2 only confirm it. But we are looking at it as "grow up people" Sora is not, not to mention that he slept for a year so he is a year less mature than it shows. For kid's love, pure and platonic, playing staying togheter is enough.. but by the end of the series would be Ok to get some closure with them ending up together, but not love beeing the hole plot of the game.
Because Xion existed as the memories of Kairi, so only by she existing, and having that effect on Roxas is a proof of Sora's Love for Kairi. Not only that in Chain Of memories, we knew that Sora was looking for Riku and Kairi as well, but when he has to choose whom to chase he choses Kairi (At first "Kairi" as Naminé took her role, as Sora's "love", but at the end Sora asked to lose everything for Kairi's memory, so Sure we do know that Sora cares for Kairi abolve all else). Roxas also "liked" Xion above all else as he left even Axel for her. Even though we know this, Riku knows it, hell maybe even Kairi and Sora knows it they still got the same relationship as before because that's all they need, maybe for the time period, maybe they'll be forever friendzoned. But the truth is that "Kid's realationships" aren't that different of Kids friendships, minus that phase when girls think boys are dirty and boys think girls will give them cutties. So the fact that the 3 of them are toghether and well is fine for now.
While I agree that Kairi is Sora's love, I don't think that Sora himself completely realizes exactly what she means to him aside from "a lot," and in a different way than Riku. But just because Xion exists as memories of Kairi does not mean Sora loves her. It simply means that Sora has memories of her lol Also, she's composed of a lot of Sora's memories, if I remember correctly, and appears like Kairi because his strongest memories are of her. Not to mention the theory that Xion isn't just Sora's memories, but also a bit of Riku's and Kairi is special to him, too.
[quote="Dio Brando, post: 3955972, member: 9031"]Because both Disney and Square Enix are incapable of writing a good romance.[/quote] ^this