If you had the chance to do something you really, really wanted to do, but know that if people found out about it, they would be disappointed in you, would you still do it? I'm just curious what people would do in this situation. And I might be in this situation right now and looking to see how others would deal with it. not sure where I was supposed to put this thread, so spam zone is the safe spot
It all comes down to what it is. It could be minor or major, and if its minor, then it doesn't matter too much. If it's major, it kinda does. Its important to keep in mind that you come first, but once again, it depends on what it is.
It would really depend on what those things were in particular. I mean, to weigh each one to whether it is more important one way or the other is what is really hard to know unless we are given such information. But if not, then simply pick the decision that you won't regret or will least regret.
I might do it. Probably, actually, because I'm not fond of caring what others think of me. If I think about it, there's only one person whose opinion would matter.
Sometimes analysising something to the nth degree just confuses it, go with your gut insticnct. However, as good as it is to care what others think sometimes it just doesn't matter, if it makes you happy and doesn't majorly hurt anyone else then what's the harm?
I'm all for doing it Wow... Anyways I'm down to do it knowing people would be disappointed in me, but the way things are looking for me now this quiet me has gotten me no where. They wanna see the real me ok bet is all I'll say. But if it's about that stupid swag, or anything that has to do with that I just quit life period.
I would do it without regret. What I want goes above all things. Trying to please individuals can also be a part of what I want, so if I ever came to a decision that I wanted that was independent of others, I would feel more than fine with doing it, I would regret not doing it. I would have nothing holding me back. What I want usually involves pleasing others, though. I would have to become a true sociopath to reach such a point.
just thinking about situations I've been in, if i knew i'd regret it later i wouldn't do it...plus if it was where people would get disappointed in me then sooner or later i realized how right they were and how dumb i acted. if it'll get you in trouble don't do it. i get the whole "live without regrets thing" yadda yadda but at the end of the day you have to live with your choice if it's important i would think twice... but saying that it's really hard to say without knowing much just as others have said, just going off my fab 18 years of personal experience i'm basically merlin now.
I would have to say it depends on the situation. If they have strong reasons why I shouldn't (e.g. it's unhealthy/could put me in harm's way), I would listen and probably be influenced by that. But if it's something I'm truly passionate about, then, well, it's my life.
Yea, as everybody else has said it depends on the situation. But meh, if its something you want to do, makes you happy, etc, then go for it. Screw the rest of the world lol.
Probably not. My friends used to make life hell for me back when I watched Naruto. I'm more than happy with being friends with them.
I know it's hard to decide what you would do in this situation since none of you know exactly what situation I'm in, but lol. But I was hoping this question would apply to all things where you're afraid that others will be disappointed in you despite you not being disappointed in yourself. I have a week to decide what to do. Just thought I'd get some input on what others would do before I make a rational decision.