A Problem Occured...

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by khmage1918, Oct 29, 2009.

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  1. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Are You Up For It?

    "Creative Energy"
    What is it?
    It is what Artists and Writers are filled with, and what their creations live on, not even knowing it.

    You are experiencing a normal day for the most part... then you get a message...

    "Dear Sir, M'am, Miss, Mister,

    I would like you to experience the greatest adventure of your life.
    You and your creations will hence forth, and come to my world.
    I wish you luck.​
    The Sender is Unknown. You click onto a download that your security program finds safe.

    It is called "Welcome....[Your Name Here]"

    I hope you're ready, for the child needs your saving...

    "Save me...."

    You MUST represent your human self.
    You have a limit to 3 of your own creations.
    You are not allowed to kill(only if given permission)
    This is PG-13
    No Yaoi/yuri(and no gender bending to go around that)
    You cannot be immortal
    You have to be active(if you do not respond to anything within 10 days, you are off the list unless noted to me)


    Nickname(if wanted) :
    Summoning Tool(To summon your creations. This is only for the Artists/Writers. The ones who fall below will have their summoning tool taken away and given to the ones who have beaten them, unless formed an alliance) :

    Name: Eden
    Nickname: E.A.M. or Mage
    Age: 14
    Height: 5' 6-7"
    Weight: Won't tell, but she's light
    Appearance: http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8672/journalcss.png (the girl that's colored)
    Other: She has a plushie white crow she calls Parma. She made is herself, and CONSTANTLY talks to her whenever lonely. Parma somehow is a bit livelier then a plush though...
    Summoning Tool: Parma
    Strengths: Trustworthy, cheers up anyone she can. Hugs a lot. very friendly when you get to know her. Has leg strength
    Weaknesses: Due to her social awkwardness, she's very quiet and shy. She usually tunes out things with her iPod(which somehow has an unlimited battery as she came to this world, as did the laptop). She has a small obsession with the internet. Due to her great emotional depression once, whenever someone is down, her heart aches. That makes her have to cheer anyone up. Has no upper arm strength, but she punches. Angers easily, so expect a punch if you don't have her approval.

    Name: Mayah
    Age: Unknown
    Height: 2"-5'
    Weight: differs
    Appearance: a chess piece with a dove and a bat wing. She is usually white, buck she can be black
    Other: She has two magic. White: Healing Magic Black: Gravity manipulation
    Strengths: Watches out for others, mother like, a leader. Ninja
    Weaknesses: too trusting, can't do both magics at the same time

    Name: Nina
    Age: Unknown
    Height: depends
    Weight: weightless
    Appearance: a blue will-o-wisp
    Other: Has power over memories, and as well, can take the form of anything she sees.
    Strengths: Easily confuses others, and can show their worst nightmares
    Weaknesses: too trusting, water
    Name: Yonkon
    Nickname: Yon
    Age: 23
    Height: 6'5"
    Weight: Light
    Appearance: Short Black Hair, Pale skin, black eyes, he uses sneakers with spikes on them, fists have gauntlets, he has a bag to carry items he finds along the way which is blue.
    Strengths: Quicker then most people are, can use magic while moving but only the minor kind.
    Weaknesses: Tends to miss on magic and punching when moving so quickly, and only trusts himself and his staff.
    Summoning Tool: The Staff he Carries
    Nickname:VEL or Val or VV
    Weight:Uncertain but is sorta light.
    Appearance:Short and messy brown hair with blue eyes with green aroudn the pupils. She wears a orange t-shirt with blue jeans and some black tennis shooes with pink around the laces. She carries some of her stuff in a small black purse. Sometimes she puts on a red hat for fun.
    Other:She loves her PSP to death, so she immediantly checks if its okay if its dropped or gets wet. She also has a small notebook and pencils in case she needs to take notes on anything.
    Strengths:She can be very trustworthy, and she can be a great friend when you get to know her. She has a big sense of humor to try and cheer everyones...and even her teacher said she gives the best hugs ever.
    Weaknesses:She can take things the wrong way, thus easily getting angry for no reason sometimes. She can also be pretty shy when she first meets someone. She can also tend to be overprotective, thus when she's seperated from someone she's close to she could possibly mope for a while... She's also terrified of heights, and she's not really that strong. She can also tend to be easily distracted and is somewhat gullible.
    Summoning Tool: A Black PSP that she also uses for her music.

    Nickname:Suki or sky since her name is an anagram for 'sukai'
    Weight:Fairly light for her age
    Appearance: Long raven black hair with bright blue eyes. She wears her bangs back with a blue hairclip. She wears a royal blue tank top with blue jeans and blue tennis shoes with green laces. She carries a sketchbook and colored pencils in a green backpack.
    Other: She uses magic sometimes, like fire magic. She can also use light magic and has some healing abilities. She loves to draw in her spare time when its available
    Strengths: Motherly, kind, protective, and courages. She is also not afraid to use hand to hand combat if she has to.
    Weaknesses: She's very vulnerable when she's drawing, plus she can tend to be too trusting. She can't use her fire powers when she's wet, and she becomes even more vulnerable when she's tired. She will not try not to fight in a storm because she's terrified of thunder.

    Nickname:Asuki calls him Ryou-chu, but only Asuki can call him that.
    Weight:fairly light; muscular
    Appearance:Black hair held by a small ponytail and green eyes with brown around the pupils. He wears a black muscle shirt with a red long sleeved jacket and jeans. He wears some black sneakers with white laces. His bangs and the ends of his hair are silver and sometimes his green eyes turn brown temporarily.
    Other:He has power over ice and water and he has healing abilities. He's been friends with Asuki since they were little kids.
    Strengths: Tough, caring, trustful, and not afraid of a fight.
    Weaknesses: He only shows his soft side to people he really cares about. At times his anger can get the best of him and he tries to pick a fight. He's very overprotective of Asuki, and he doesn't really trust anyone often.

    Name: Melissa
    Nickname(if wanted) : Missy or Flame
    Age: 16
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: Healthy
    Appearance: big brown eyes, long-ish dirty blonde hair that's normally under a grey knit cap. Umm...usually wears jeans, white shirt, and a TMNT sweater. And multi-colored Vans.
    Other: Always has her cell, iPod, pens, and a notepad on her. Also randomly carries wrenches and screwdrivers on occasion, along with some random plushies.
    Strengths: Stubborn, daydreamy, free-thinking, independent, creative, determined to prove her worth, fairly happy, and humorous
    Weaknesses: Stubborn, daydreamy, emotional, gets frustrated easily
    Summoning Tool: Notepad.

    Name: Jackylyn
    Nickname(if wanted) : Jax
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 90 lbs (No, she's not anorexic! Cloth and leaves don't weigh much)
    Appearance: Ragdoll like Sally from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"; Short platinum blonde, black eyes, normally wears Morgan's sweatshirts and super-tight skinny jeans
    Other: She has stitches all over her body, and she's loud. And has a sailor's mouth.
    Strengths: Loyal, well-spoken, tough, fun to be around
    Weaknesses: Doesn't think before she speaks, gets angry easily, gets annoying fast

    Name: Morgan
    Nickname(if wanted) : Mor
    Age: 17
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 151 lbs
    Appearance: Vampire, but doesn't sparkle (Thank God!); tawny hair; one grey eye, one brown eye; long scar on his right cheek, tall, thin, freckles on his nose, smiles easily, wears a bright red zip-up sweatshirt over white shirts and blue jeans.
    Other: Retractable fangs, often gets teased for being so thin, but can shrug it off, sings pretty well
    Strengths: Calm, cheerful, clever, creative
    Weaknesses: Dangerous when he loses his temper, deals with inner demons (that are going to be revealed later)

    Name: Sirius
    Nickname(if wanted): Siri, but only on occasion
    Age: 18
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Appearance: Almost-shoulder-length black hair, dark blue eyes with shadows around them, skeletal left arm (he's dead), wears an army jacket over black shirts and torn jeans, earring in his left ear.
    Other: Can play guitar, is left-handed
    Strengths: Quiet, musical, has street smarts, jokes around once he's comfortable with people
    Weaknesses: Low-self-esteem, distrusts people at first, pessimist

    Name: Andrew
    Nickname: Drew (Hates Andy)
    Age: 14
    Height: 5' 3"
    Weight: 98 lbs.
    Apperance: Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Usually wears jeans (blue), Element shirt (red), Element sweatshirt (Dark blue-ish), sneakers (white base, black laces), and a over-the-shoulder backpack (green-ish).
    Other: He can control wind for a short amount of time. This time depends on his energy level. He likes anime and manga, drinks lots of Mountain Dew, and is extremely skilled when it comes to most fighting video games. He likes to draw in a sketch book he carries around. He also hates vegetables and loves Italian food. He sorta has a British accent.
    Strengths: Kind, friendly, smart, easy-going, even though weak, he can fight like a pro, and is a jokester.
    Weaknesses: Gets frustrated easily, gets very violent, very fast, and he is pretty weak compared to others.
  2. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Hmph. Alright, I guess this'll do for now....

    Nickname:VEL or Val or VV
    Weight:Uncertain but is sorta light.
    Appearance:Short and messy brown hair with blue eyes with green aroudn the pupils. She wears a orange t-shirt with blue jeans and some black tennis shooes with pink around the laces. She carries some of her stuff in a small black purse. Sometimes she puts on a red hat for fun.
    Other:She loves her PSP to death, so she immediantly checks if its okay if its dropped or gets wet. She also has a small notebook and pencils in case she needs to take notes on anything.
    Strengths:She can be very trustworthy, and she can be a great friend when you get to know her. She has a big sense of humor to try and cheer everyones...and even her teacher said she gives the best hugs ever.
    Weaknesses:She can take things the wrong way, thus easily getting angry for no reason sometimes. She can also be pretty shy when she first meets someone. She can also tend to be overprotective, thus when she's seperated from someone she's close to she could possibly mope for a while... She's also terrified of heights, and she's not really that strong. She can also tend to be easily distracted and is somewhat gullible.
    Summoning Tool: A Black PSP that she also uses for her music.

    Nickname:Suki or sky since her name is an anagram for 'sukai'
    Weight:Fairly light for her age
    Appearance: Long raven black hair with bright blue eyes. She wears her bangs back with a blue hairclip. She wears a royal blue tank top with blue jeans and blue tennis shoes with green laces. She carries a sketchbook and colored pencils in a green backpack.
    Other: She uses magic sometimes, like fire magic. She can also use light magic and has some healing abilities. She loves to draw in her spare time when its available
    Strengths: Motherly, kind, protective, and courages. She is also not afraid to use hand to hand combat if she has to.
    Weaknesses: She's very vulnerable when she's drawing, plus she can tend to be too trusting. She can't use her fire powers when she's wet, and she becomes even more vulnerable when she's tired. She will not try not to fight in a storm because she's terrified of thunder.

    Nickname:Asuki calls him Ryou-chu, but only Asuki can call him that.
    Weight:fairly light; muscular
    Appearance:Black hair held by a small ponytail and green eyes with brown around the pupils. He wears a black muscle shirt with a red long sleeved jacket and jeans. He wears some black sneakers with white laces. His bangs and the ends of his hair are silver and sometimes his green eyes turn brown temporarily.
    Other:He has power over ice and water and he has healing abilities. He's been friends with Asuki since they were little kids.
    Strengths: Tough, caring, trustful, and not afraid of a fight.
    Weaknesses: He only shows his soft side to people he really cares about. At times his anger can get the best of him and he tries to pick a fight. He's very overprotective of Asuki, and he doesn't really trust anyone often.
  3. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Name: Yonkon
    Nickname: Yon
    Age: 23
    Height: 6'5"
    Weight: Light
    Appearance: Short Black Hair, Pale skin, black eyes, he uses sneakers with spikes on them, fists have gauntlets, he has a bag to carry items he finds along the way which is blue.
    Strengths: Quicker then most people are, can use magic while moving but only the minor kind.
    Weaknesses: Tends to miss on magic and punching when moving so quickly, and only trusts himself and his staff.
    Summoning Tool: The Staff he Carries
  4. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    1. You're in VV
    and 2. No, please human. A drawing of similarity could suffice
  5. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Changed and added Appearance
  6. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    You are Added. We need... at least 3 others to start.
  7. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Okee dokers...
  8. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    I wanna join!! XD

    Name: Melissa
    Nickname(if wanted) : Missy or Flame
    Age: 16
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: Healthy
    Appearance: big brown eyes, long-ish dirty blonde hair that's normally under a grey knit cap. Umm...usually wears jeans, white shirt, and a TMNT sweater. And multi-colored Vans.
    Other: Always has her cell, iPod, pens, and a notepad on her. Also randomly carries wrenches and screwdrivers on occasion, along with some random plushies.
    Strengths: Stubborn, daydreamy, free-thinking, independent, creative, determined to prove her worth, fairly happy, and humorous
    Weaknesses: Stubborn, daydreamy, emotional, gets frustrated easily
    Summoning Tool: Notepad.

    Name: Jackylyn
    Nickname(if wanted) : Jax
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 90 lbs (No, she's not anorexic! Cloth and leaves don't weigh much)
    Appearance: Ragdoll like Sally from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"; Short platinum blonde, black eyes, normally wears Morgan's sweatshirts and super-tight skinny jeans
    Other: She has stitches all over her body, and she's loud. And has a sailor's mouth.
    Strengths: Loyal, well-spoken, tough, fun to be around
    Weaknesses: Doesn't think before she speaks, gets angry easily, gets annoying fast

    Name: Morgan
    Nickname(if wanted) : Mor
    Age: 17
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 151 lbs
    Appearance: Vampire, but doesn't sparkle (Thank God!); tawny hair; one grey eye, one brown eye; long scar on his right cheek, tall, thin, freckles on his nose, smiles easily, wears a bright red zip-up sweatshirt over white shirts and blue jeans.
    Other: Retractable fangs, often gets teased for being so thin, but can shrug it off, sings pretty well
    Strengths: Calm, cheerful, clever, creative
    Weaknesses: Dangerous when he loses his temper, deals with inner demons (that are going to be revealed later)

    Name: Sirius
    Nickname(if wanted): Siri, but only on occasion
    Age: 18
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Appearance: Almost-shoulder-length black hair, dark blue eyes with shadows around them, skeletal left arm (he's dead), wears an army jacket over black shirts and torn jeans, earring in his left ear.
    Other: Can play guitar, is left-handed
    Strengths: Quiet, musical, has street smarts, jokes around once he's comfortable with people
    Weaknesses: Low-self-esteem, distrusts people at first, pessimist
  9. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    8D Yay! Thank you so much!~ You're in!
  10. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:Is it almost time to start yet?XD
  11. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ooc:.... Hm... if there isn't someone new soon, then we'll start.
  12. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:Okee dokers.
  13. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Name: Andrew
    Nickname: Drew (Hates Andy)
    Age: 14
    Height: 5' 3"
    Weight: 98 lbs.
    Apperance: Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Usually wears jeans (blue), Element shirt (red), Element sweatshirt (Dark blue-ish), sneakers (white base, black laces), and a over-the-shoulder backpack (green-ish).
    Other: He likes anime and manga, drinks lots of Mountain Dew, and is extremely skilled when it comes to most fighting video games. He likes to draw in a sketch book he carries around. He also hates vegetables and loves Italian food. He sorta has a British accent.
    Strengths: Kind, friendly, smart, easy-going, even though weak, he can fight like a pro, and is a jokester.
    Weaknesses: Gets frustrated easily, gets very violent, very fast, and he is pretty weak compared to others.
  14. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Creators have no special power other than to summon, sorry Andrew C:>
  15. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    OOC: Thanks Eden! I'll go edit it now...*edits post*
  16. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    When do we start?
  17. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ooc: ... I guess we could start now, I was hoping for another person, but I guess we'll start.
  18. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:Shweeet....so how do we begin?
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