ok, im really embarrassed to post this, so dont make fun of me or anything if it dont make no sense or if you think its stupid.....some parts rhyme but that was on accident , i didnt intend for it to rhyme..so here it is..dont hurt me..im gonna regret this...here is goes....its kinda long, ..its my first real poem so yeah.... :( When I wake up its a chance another chance to R E N E W I hear birds sing sunny shine gleams with a grin I hear the voice with in me speak loud and clear 'Don't mess this up, this is your chance' suddenly halted by C H A O S my caring heart sinks in real deep my saddest tears roll down my cheek i fight back the tears and try to see the L I G H T behind all the D A R K N E S S but then, D I S G R A C E everything suddenly begins to change don't look at me now I'm the one A S H A M E D of what all i have done my caring heart turns icy cold 'where did it all go' I cry, 'no more love and care' and then He O P E N S M Y E Y E S I see the truth and A P P R E C I A T E the chance to prove myself worthy I take it in, I A B S O R B the truth love and care my eyes are opened and I can no longer be sad for I have something to S T R I V E for- I broke the cycle of C O M M O N M I S T A K E S I found the S T R E N G T H inside of me- I found the M E A N I N G TO LIFE
i think its a great poem. seems to me that you really have a creative mind, and your ambisitions are lighting up for the better.
I think it's quite good actually, especially considering your age. You seemed to have a lot of inspiration as well. Good job. I'm going to ask a mod to move this to the Creativity Corner though.
a very cute poem from someone so young! i remember when i was your age and i could write cute poems like that... its very good you should keep it up!
That's awesom. Genuine. Your a good poet but the way you say thigs it sounds like you don't know it. There is absolutely no reason for you to be embarassed. It's a really amazing creative poem...YOU RULE!