sorry its not kh but i havent found that many good pics to use to edit that dont belong to someone I got Photoshop CS2 and i suck at it,here is my pic i made This is the original: This is mine: Edit:my profile icon i also made
Firstly, not everything has to be KH-related here XD. And secondly, I don't see much variation in the two except there are bigger red spots on the second one. I wouldn't know about PS, because I use GIMP, but it's very...similar. A variety of effects would make it more original.
lol yeah,well im really new to photoshop and everything i tried didnt work out so i just used brushes but thnx for the opinion so i will try to make one better in the future
I just got CS2 as well! First question: Is this the first time you've used any version of PS? Assuming it is, there are ways to make the effects more subtle, and not completely take over the pic. But, it could still make a noticable difference. If you go to the Filter Gallery, you can do whatever you want and change the settings of any effect you want. The only difference between the original and yours that I see is your username and splotches of red. Work on the use of brushes. It takes time and practice. And try out filters. Granted, you don't have to use them all the time, they're helpful sometimes. And Fill and Adjustment Layers are cool, too. I was messing around with those yesterday. The Gradient tool is always fun, if you put it in difference mode. Just try to get out of your little safety box and try out everything, not just the stuff you know how to use.