A not so epic epic video....

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Deathsight44, Oct 7, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.

    a few weeks ago I posted this video, speaking of its epicness.

    But now I bring you a challange, for I believe this video is not so epic.

    Your challange, young ones, is to translate what the man that is singing (after smoken some weed no doubt) is trying to say. Are you up to the challange? o_O
  2. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    So nasty that it's probably somewhat of a travesty
    Having me daily total people
    You can call me Your Majesty
    Keep your battery charged
    You know it won't stick, yo
    And it's not his fault you kick slow
    Should've let your trick 'ho chick hold your sick glow
    Plus nobody couldn't do nothin' once he let the brick go
    And you know I know that's a bunch of snow
    The beat is so butter
    Peep the slow cutter
    As he utters the calm flow
    Don't talk about my moms, yo
    Sometimes he rhyme quick, sometimes he rhyme slow
    And vice versa
    Whip up a slice of nice verse pie
    Hit it on the first try
    Villain: The Worst Guy
    Spot hot tracks like spot a pair of fat asses
    Shots of the scotch from out of square shot glasses
    And he won't stop 'till he got the masses
    An' show 'em what they know now through flows of hot molasses
    Do it like a robot to headspin to boogaloo
    Took a few minutes to convince the average bug-a-boo
    It's ugly, like look at you! It's a damn shame
    Just remember All Caps when you spell the man name
    And you know it like a poet, like baby doll
    I bet she tried to say she gave me her all, she played ball
    All bets off! The Villain got the dice rigged
    And they say he accosted the man with the sliced wig
    Allegedly; the investigation is still ongoing
    In this pesky inition he gots the best con flowin'
    The pot doubles, now they really got troubles
    Madman never go *pop*!, like snot bubbles
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