About the title.....You'll see what I mean by normal. I was challenged by Nymph of Destiny and darkelven123 to make a fanfic about a Theory that Nymph made. I only got the beginning part done. I think I'm getting better at fanfics. xD And this is in 1st-character point of view. Chapter 1: FINALLY!!!! Another day has passed, another mission done. I was a taking a break in my room, wondering if the Organization was any closer to obtaining a heart from that giant heart-shaped moon. Suddenly, Demyx just busted through the door dragging a stumbling Roxas behind him. “Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel…” Demyx looked excited as he quickly said my name over and over. “Axel Axel Axel Axel Ax-“ “What is it, Demyx?” I stopped him before he could say my name one more time. “It’s finally done!” Demyx eyes sparkled with joy. I just gave back a blank look, since I had no idea what he was talking about. Roxas saw my look and explained. “Kingdom Hearts. Superior said that Kingdom Hearts is finally complete to give us hearts. He wants us to gather at the Altar of Naught now.” “Well, let’s go then.” I used the power of Darkness to teleport to the Altar. Demyx and Roxas teleported behind me. Everyone else in the Organization was at the meeting place, all of them not showing as much excitement as Demyx, but satisfied that the Organization’s efforts have finally paid off. Kingdom Hearts glowed brightly in the dark sky of The World That Never Was. Xemnas was standing before everyone, except for Xaldin and Saix who were standing behind him like loyal dogs. Xemnas began another rambling speech of his. “My friends. It is finally time. Kingdom Hearts is finally complete to give us hearts. We shall finally become whole where light and darkness can accept us. We will finally feel emotions, not just remember them. Due to our hard work of gathering hearts, Kingdom Hearts shall give us hearts or even more.” (Wow, I think I heard the word “finally” four times in that speech.) Xemnas turned to the giant moon and raised his arms. “Heed me, Kingdom Hearts. We have waited and worked long to build you. Now we wish from you, our hearts.” Suddenly, Kingdom Hearts shined brighter and brighter. A little too bright really , for I shielded my eyes with an arm. Everyone else seemed calm as the growing light engulfed them, the only ones who actually blocked their eyes with me were Demyx and Roxas. Now I couldn’t see anything around me, but light. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my chest. I clutched the pain with my hand as I felt something grow inside of me. A sudden flow of emotions, yes…EMOTIONS, flooded in to my head. I developed a headache. Pain in the body and a headache…..not a great combination. I closed my eyes and fell down due to the overwhelming pain. Suddenly, it all stopped. All the pain vaporized away. The only thing I felt was beneath my hand on my chest. I felt….a beating heart. ======================================================= should I continue?