Ok, my MS Paint adventure Roxas edition is dead because (from my perspective): KS hasn't replied. Roxas is a bad character to puzzel solve with I suck at the story If I make a new MS paint adventure who should the character be?
[highlight]Kairi. Personally I liked Roxas, but Kairi is possibly a better choice for an MS Paint adventure, because she's the only person who doesn't have "KILL IT!" as the default setting. Not to mention that she's not really good for anything except puzzle solving, sadly. And I want to see MS Paint tits. :lolface:[/highlight]
Black mage? As in the generic black mage from Final Fantasy? Or someone else? And if others are in support of it then it may be that... But I have never done any 8-bit art...
Uhh... we kinda need a few more votes to decide.. It would be good to know who will be the star of the next one because then I can plan it as opposed to making it up as we go. So there will be items you guys need to pick up and such.
[highlight]Excellent, Kairi is winning. I imagine a protagonist without a keyblade will have to use ingenuity and creativity to defeat oppo- Oh, who am I kidding? We'll just end up getting her to strip to deal with everything.[/highlight]
Wolfie is on there for teh lolz XD And what aspect of the OP are you ^This-ing? Well it seems that only one person who voted doesn't like my MS Paint adventure thingie, but that's ok, whoever you are you no one is making you read the next one(s). Because over 10 people were in favour of Kairi being the next star... If the people are okay with her being the lead role that is, don't worry if it remains popular then Kairi won't be an option for the next poll so you can be assured you have a better chance of your pick becoming a reality! tl;dr Kairi wins, are you ok with that if you didn't want her? EDIT: Also as a consolation prize to the runner-up, Riku will have a cameo.