Because a certain necrobumped thread has once again brought this to my attention, and since it is a pet peeve of mine when people get these confused. I just want to make this perfectly, crystal clear so this pet peeve won't make me wish I could reach through the internet and smack you upside the head. Gender and Sex are not the same thing. There is quite a big difference between them in fact. Gender is a mental state of how you perceive yourself. Person A could identify themselves as female, while Person B identifies themselves as male, Person C could identify themselves as neither. Notice I didn't drop any hints as to what persons A, B, and C were? For all you know Person A could be legally defined as a man but thinks of their self as a woman. And Person B could be a woman who thinks of their self as a man. This is called Gender Identity Disorder where there is a conflict between a person's physical sex and their gender. People who have this are extremely uncomfortable with themselves and how society deems they should act or rather the Gender Roles they are expected to perform by. For example, a boy with GID will want to play with dolls, will want to dress in girl's clothing, and will want to do altogether 'girl' things. But note that this is not the same as Homosexuality. Sex is how a person biologically was formed. Aside from surgery, there's no easy way to change this. And this is how society legally defines you. If you're ever sent to jail, your genitals decide if you'll be in a women's prison or a men's prison. So if a male to female pre-op transsexual was arrested, she'd be sent to a men's prison because she's still legally defined as a male. tl;dr Gender does not equal sex. Confusing the two makes Laurence annoyed. Note: If you insist on using gender when referring to the physical form, make sure you use the term 'physical gender', since I have come across this before.
I actually didn't know that. I thought they were the same thing. Learn new things everyday I suppose.
This is the intelligent stuff I really enjoy. I mean, the spam of the spam zone is great, but something like this- I hope to see more of.
This explains a lot. So you identify yourself as a male, Laurence? >_> Edit: That or you just like screwing with the simple KHV-idian minds.
Why yes, as a matter of fact. Those are words. I like using words and phrases that the common man might not be familiar with. I like to think I'm doing a service to humanity by doing so. I do stuff like this every so often. Keep your eyes peeled. The world may never know. You'd be surprised.