This isn't really a thread where I'm having issues with my life. More like I have several questions regarding something. If I posted anywhere else, I knew it wouldn't be taken seriously. Before I go on about that though, I'd like to point out this is about a woman's menstrual cycle. >> I don't think there's been a thread about that here, but I really need to know several things, even though they might be a little personal. This is mainly directed towards the women of khv. If a guy wants to read this, go ahead, but I know you won't be able to answer my questions. Or at least I think. Anyway, to where I want to start. Spoiler I started my period when I was 12 years old. I didn't really have any pain until like the day after. From then on, on the first day my period would start, the pain I would get is simply cramps, knee ache, and backache. Those were the only symptoms I had and the pain I had would only really last for many 20 to 30 minutes. Really depended if I attacked the pain as it started. The first few years, my period was irregular, but I was expecting it since I obviously barely started it. My periods weren't really heavy, but the blood was consistent until probably the last few days of that time. Now, I'm 19 now. My period isn't near being regular. My symptoms changed this year really sudden. One month they're the same that they have always been and next thing I know, next month, I can't even bear what I was feeling. I had very, very, very strong cramps, I felt nauseous, my knees were weak and hurting, I felt dizzy, exhausted, and all out like I was dying or something. The pain lasted for about an hour or so until I knocked out from how exhausted I felt. My period was also no longer consistent and just completely random. First day, it was heavy, next day, barely anything. Day after, heavy again, day after that, barely anything. It's been like this every month since probably April of this year. My first question, is this normal? I've asked my mother so many times and she tells me it is yet I feel like it isn't. She tells my grandmother, I hear, "It's normal for someone your age." again. I've looked up symptoms of the menstrual cycle, there's a name for the really strong cramps(I completely forgot what it was though. Started with a "d.") and it does mention that everything I feel are normal, but nothing seems to mention the sudden change in symptoms. I know exercising can change a woman's symptoms, but I haven't done that. Another thing I'd add is that my body is now immune to pain killers. I've taken them so much throughout the years that now that the pain is worse, nothing helps. I've talked with my mom about birth control since I've been told that can regulate and help the cramps. She has made it very clear that she doesn't want me on that. She never gave me reasons why, so I had to do research on birth control. Seeing the symptoms, I'm a little unsure now, but I feel like I have no other choice since Tylenol, Advil, Midol, none of that seems to work for me. I'm told to take a nap but that's really difficult when I'm in a lot of pain. Now...these questions might be a bit personal, but it'd be a lot of help before I see my doctor in a week or two. How long does it take for a period to become regulated? I figured it'd just take like two or three years for me but it's no where near being regular. How many of you have taken birth control? Were there any common symptoms, did it regulate your period, did it actually help with cramps? What symptoms did you have on the first day your period started? Did any of you have it as severe as I've been getting it? Is this normal or just straight out that I need to see my doctor? I really appreciate anyone who'll answer these. I just need to see how others might have it before I see my doctor in about a week or two. Thank you, again. ;_;
First of all, sorry you're going through this. It sounds like crap. >> Second, I'll answer what I can to the best of my ability, so sorry if it doesn't do any good. xD How long does it take for a period to become regulated? I figured it'd just take like two or three years for me but it's no where near being regular. I'm not a period expert, so I have no idea. For me personally, it took about a year to become overall consistent, though sometimes it has it's...irregular moments. How many of you have taken birth control? Were there any common symptoms, did it regulate your period, did it actually help with cramps? My boyfriend came to visit me for prom and stayed for about a week, and before he did, I was scared the PMS monster would eat him alive and make prom night miserable, so I went to my doctor and started birth control so that when he came, Mother Nature would be locked out. B| When I did it, it made me feel a little nauseous...I have a weak stomach, and my body doesn't like meds very much, so that could have been why? When I first started it was like that, but it's a cycle type thing so as time went on, I felt better. I skipped the period for that month though, I'm not sure if you're wanting to get rid of it all together or just help the symptoms. When I stopped taking it, it took a little for my period to normalize again, but it's fine now. The first one after that period of time was very light in comparison to the others. But I got none of my symptoms, just...A little sick. But water helped that, and then it was fine, and I felt great. Edit; I also have friends who take it to get rid of it all together, until they're older or something, and they talk about it like it's nothing. Friends (more like acquaintances, really) have spazzed out on me about how I don't want to get rid of it. xD Apparently to some people it's just the thing to do. Unless your mom comes in there with you, I suggest asking your doctor about it anyway. I mean, I'm sure they'll suggest something to you, but you know. It's kind of your body, not your moms, and she can't feel what you feel, and if it's really that bad, I say ask the doctor's opinion on it. What symptoms did you have on the first day your period started? Did any of you have it as severe as I've been getting it? Uhh, the very first day? I felt nothing. It was just like, "wut." I started that in 6th grade. Now, usually, what happens...Um. I get really bad cramps. It runs in my family, bad periods. xD So I get awful cramps, head aches, fatigue, nausea, but nothing unbearable. I've always been able tolerate it. I've only had a couple of days I had to stay home from school because of how bad it got, but I could still deal with it. If you fainted, or something because of the pain, and it was that bad, keep in mind. Your period has to do with your reproductive system, and blood loss. Anything causing that system to hurt unbearably should be looked at, regardless. ._. It might not be a problem with that, but maybe something else? I don't know, but I'm glad you're going to a doctor for it. Feel better soon!
Well on a fact based note, periods can be both regular and irregular depending on the person. Illness, rapid weight change, or stress can also make things more unpredictable because the part of the brain that regulates periods is influenced by events like these. Some signs that happen before and after a period include back cramps or stiffness in the limbs. Other signs include headaches, disturbed sleep patterns, mood swings, bloating, or breast soreness. For most people a period regulates after three years but there are cases where many people develop irregular periods or lose it altogether. Extensive exercise, low body weight, or a lack or calories can also cause irregular periods. If the problem gets worse I recommend seeing a doctor. The chances or getting some kind of pill is high though. Just a warning, not all pills are birth pill related, he might give you vitamin pills, or iron pills, really it depends on the person. Birth control isn't the only choice. On a personal note, I have an irregular period which starts whenever it wants depending on what I eat, how often I work out, or even if it's cold outside. I only get it once a month for six to seven days. It's heavy but thats because of my family blood line. My sister does sports and she can go for two months without a period sometimes. To me it's scary but that's what happens to most people with irregular periods. As for the amount of pain, I have one day of extreme pain, I don't take med's and I nap or eat light foods and warm drinks to help. It's good to distract yourself, even taking a hot bath can help. I hope that helped but really a Doc would be the best! ^^ -humor- If you want to talk more just send me a message.
I actually don't want my period to be gone completely. I've gone a month without a period several times and I was very moody. << I just want to regulate it and have less severe cramps. Even when it's just late or something, I get all, "*Flips table* *Rage*" It's all pissy-ness that comes when my period doesn't come. I'm assuming bad periods runs in my family too. ._. I keep hearing, "So and so went through this." and stuff. But then I get angry and I'm all, "This is ME we're talking about! Not how this person had it!" <<; When it comes to my period...I'm emotional. XD My mom keeps talking about me having a physical appointment with my doctor so I think she knows how badly I need it. XD Thank you though. This helped. 8D Now that you mention weight...that might or might not be a cause for me. >> I weigh 110 and I'm 5'5". I'm very...underweight. Though, I feel like I might have gained one or two pounds. Not sure. Chances of my weight being the same is high though. I've weighed 110 and been the same height for maybe four or three years. I remember at one point my period was regulating itself some time in high school, I exercised at that point and I screwed it over so it's all irregular again. << A friend of mine actually mentioned quite a few things you did so the chances of me needing some of that is high. XD You helped quite a bit. Your pun made me laugh too. Thank you. 8D This helped.
-Nods- Try to regulate your diet to. It might help to add foods with more nutrition or protein to your diet. I'm sure you know the three meals a day gib but you also have to get a certain amount of meat, bread, rice, irons like very dark veggies, and ect. You get my point. Your weight might be playing a major role in your irregular period cycle.