I know I'm not that good, but please rate and critisize. (Sorry if this is the wrong place to put sigs.) (Some of them do not have my name on them because I made them for someone else.)
These are good n.n 1.I like it though Sora disappears a little with all the red colour. 2.So pretty I like Naruto's face expression x3. 3.A little to bright if you ask me, and I don't like Kabuto xD. 4.So pretty but again Kairi disappears into the background. 5.Pretty good but it looks a little 'flat'. 6.The charachter looks a little weird ,but the background is good. 7.Nice one, but it should be a little less light on the person and a little more light around her. 8.It's good, I like the background a lot. You are good with siggy's keep it up, you are much bettre than I am xD
Wow. These are really good. I love them. :3 I don't have any problems with them. Just maybe that firt one of Sora; Red on red makes him like a chameleon. The Larxene one is kind of plain, though... Blue blue blue. But they rock anyways. Great work.
Thanks, both of you. ^_^ And the reason that one with Sora is so much red is because the guy reqested that it be nearly all red, I didn't really agree with him, but, it was his choice.
those are nice.my fav has to be the hinata one which by any chance can you send me the pic or render for please.
Yeah, sure, here it is: Taken out for certain reasons. I like that sig alot, but so many forums whined that it was "adult content" that I stopped wearing it.
thanks,now you should remove the pic,just incase the adm in here think the same.Which i doubt but you never know.
1. Nice! I like it 2. Nah, don't like that show 3. Dont know that show.. 4. That one is pretty nice 5. I LOVE THAT ONE!!! I want it!!!!!(Larxene one) 6. Um... 7. That one is cool 8.: Uh.... 9. WANT IT AGAIN! 10.Cool!
All of them are really good. The Kairi one is a little too pink for me though. But you did a really nice job! *sighs* I really want a sig now...
You're way better than me xD I love the Iron-Man,(third sig, forgot his name), Naruto, and Hinata ones though......think you could pm me those renders, especially the Iron Man which I'd love to try something with. The Kairi is my least fav. thought because it's to blurry (the render)
Hmmm..... You should work on blending your render's into your background. A good way to do that is with clipping masks.... If you don't have a clue as to what that is, I shall be making a tut soon on blending, lighting, and stuff like that soon. I suggest looking up some tutorials in the mean time.
They're very nice. The Hinata and Hidew one are very well done. My only suggestion is to blend your renders on some of them.