a friend or a beloved...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by sinister, May 19, 2008.

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  1. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...

    i have a ... crush in a girl witch is nice, sensitive and pretty, however i am way to shy to even be near her but my actuall problem is that i great friend of mine likes the same girl... i don't know what to do.
    my friend is a great guy and i want to support him and give up myself but i can't and feel so...helpless.
    what should i do?
    i am pretty young and have almost no knowledge about her except that she likes green, sports quite alot,
    is a good drawer and does very well in school.
    i suck in every way but is there anyone who could give any advice?

    i would be very happy to read any replies:(
  2. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Umm, sorry dear, right section, just post the problem you have in this thread


    what i would do, is let her decide on what she wants. If she likes you back, she'll come to you =]
    Just, try to make her happy, and make her see that you can make her happy,

    but if she thinks someone else can make her happy, its not your fault, its just people have different qualities
    It sounds like you're trying hard, but what i would do, is focus on your life, and don't worry about relationships.. Wait till you think the time is right =]
  3. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    well that's also a thing... i'm to shy to even be near women and my friend is ...well i certanly think that she would pick him over me, mainly cause i'm ugly.
  4. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Well ask your friend if he has another gf and also start asking this in the Help with life thread in teh intelligent thread just out of here.
  5. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    k i'l ask but do ya think anyone would bother reading it?
  6. timeless Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 17, 2008
    Yeah it will be answered, sometimes within minutes...
  7. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    k you convinced me...
    thank you...
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Tell your friend you feel the same way about her.(If he liked her for a longer time then back off,moving in on her when he's had his eyes on her is a big middle finger)

    If you like her then hang out with her and get to know each other in a FRIENDLY way.If your too shy to approach her then you gotta get over that.
  9. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    i think i knowe more about her and we've both known her for about the same amount of time.
    also out of guilt i have told him i liked her to
  10. vampires are our friends Merlin's Housekeeper

    self esteem

    first of all you need to start liking yourself
    i suffer from the same disease of
    Low Self Esteem
    she probably won't like you until you like yourself
    so just
    i don't know
    write a list of things that you like about yourself
    try it
    i think i will too
  11. Tveir Banned

    Mar 14, 2008
    1. Kill yourself
    2. ?????
    3. PROFIT!

    maybe tell her how you feel somewhere in between
    if you fail, learn
    if you do not fail, learn anyways

    Life goes on

    at least if you didn't take my first suggestion seriously
  12. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    i suck.
    people around me looks better.
    some are afriad of me.
    i'm big, shy and an a**
    meh... i can't find out much that is good about me and if anyone says anything good about me i'l neglect it and say something even worse about myself. meaning: she'l never love me!!!!:cryinganime:

    hmmm.... killing myself....
    that has always been my plan A.
    might as well do it when she turns me down.
    goodbye good world.... forgive me!!!!
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Again, take the words of advice. Stop thinking of yourself as ugly and get some self-confidence. Clean up some and have some pride. Maybe get some clothes that reflect a better more positive personality as well. There are people that are considered very attractive despite not looking like Brad Pitt. You just have to know how to carry what you have and not be an arrogant prick, but also not a whiner who says he's fugly all the time. Girls usually don't want someone who looks down on himself all the time and decides to shelter himself. Also, if you don't talk and do things with others much, people won't know you are interested in them and aren't going to be interested in you. Try to work on socializing.

    Even if this girl isn't going to happen for you, some other would if you just got yourself out of the negative aura you cast about yourself and try to be a bit more social. If you are interested in her, you should say so. If she says she's not interested in you, that's part of life. Rejection happens to us all and it's best to not emo over it for long. Seriously, she may be interested in you but as it sounds, it seems you isolate yourself and are in a state of angst and depression so she may barely know you. Show her a different side of you and try to develop one. We humans have many aspects to our personalities and it might help if you explore some others. Hope this helps. I'm not trying to insult you but give you some pointers. Good luck.
  14. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    repliku... i could never see what you wrote as something bad but alas...
    there is a reason why i have nicknames like shade or illusion. it's unusuall for me to be with poeple normaly because i hate humanity for what it has done to nature. however she (the girl) is one of the few who i would openly trust of all humans out there.
    however, although i trust and love her, i have a firend who likes her too and i don't want to snith her from him like that. it's a problem that i like her but even bigger that we both like her....
    also i'm to scared to connect with people to much in case that i would lose them... it has happened to often.
    again'' i'm hopeless huh?
  15. Repliku Chaser

    You wouldn't be 'snatching' her from him if you told her you were interested in her. It is her decision if she'd want to go out with either of you or neither of you. You both like her and if you don't say anything, he may still not get to be with her so it's one of those things. You don't have to back away until you hear from her lips that she has no interest in you, okay? Friends might be sore for a bit but it comes down to this: She's not going with him right now either so you are both not doing anything wrong.

    I can understand being afraid of connecting to people because you have a great chance of losing them later but there's a better way to look at it. Think that if you don't get to know people and experience companionship etc, you will not have enjoyed the time you had with them and instead just be alone and bored. Life is a moving thing and people do indeed come and go. You can meet all sorts of people including some who feel as you do about protecting nature and making things better in the environment. You miss out though by not socializing and seeking these sorts out whether for friendship or for more and it will leave you feeling like all humanity but you and a select few others are just alone out there with your thoughts. It just isn't true right now. Many people are concerned about the environment and have been for several years.

    So, you kind of have a choice to make as to whether it's better to not have friendship and companionship because it may slip away or be rejected in some form or other...or if it's better to have the friendship and companionship while the going is good and to bid people farewell when it's their time or your time to move on. Both hurt. But it is part of life. At least with the second option you can say you had some good times in there so that's more where I try to lean. I know it's not for everyone but it does bring me peace once I accepted the point life doesn't stagnate and I shouldn't try to either.
  16. Tveir Banned

    Mar 14, 2008
    keep telling yourself "I am awesome, everyone should like me, and if they don't, they're just jealous" over and over again until you become a narcissist

    then, if she turns you down, you could always beg her to kill you

    no death could be more romantic than one at the hands of the one you love, especially if it is slow

  17. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    :cryinganime: i will forever be alone...
    i'l try... i'm not a social type, i hide from people and like darkness a lot but i'l try...
    thank you repliku for the help.
    i'l die soon anyways...huh?
  18. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Well it seems you don't know this girl too well. Talk to her. If you see her, make up an excuse to talk to her. Ask her what time it is, what the homework from a previous class was, anything. Then try to continue the conversation. If she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want to talk, but you should at least try. Keep up the confidence, the girls love that a lot. Believe you can do it, and be able to accept rejection should it happen. Hope I could help, trust me, I've been there.
  19. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    yes i'm sure it would help, thank you. but i am sort of a hopless problem in coinfidence, sorry
  20. LightManifest Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 4, 2008
    I'm sorry to hear your problem. Well, perhaps I can spread some wisdom... (Although I see people have already done alot of wisdom spreading...) If it's confidence you feel you lack, then why? You feel ugly, and people don't like you for it? I don't believe that. I've never judged anyone by how they look, and I'm a girl. If the girl doesn't like you because she only thinks about how you look, then you should steer clear of her, right? From what you're saying, she sounds like the sweetest girl in the world and would never judge by looks. If that's the case, then she may like you, and she may not. If she doesn't, then it's not your fault. Hey, she may not even like you or your friend. I don't mean to sound harsh or make you feel bad, but it's a possibility.

    Another thing: Do you really like this girl that much? I don't know her, but she may turn out to be a bad person if you get to know her more, so please learn about her some more. Just some advice, because you deserve better than to be with a bad girl. Well, unless she's a good person...

    As for the confidence issue: I went over this before, but I better again so you remember better. You don't want to hang around people who judge by looks. I had a TERRIBLE shyness, and you know what? I'm now completely over it, and happier! You want to know why I got over it? Because it got in the way of my life.
    Example: An employer is hiring, but they won't hire you because you aren't a friendly person, but shy.
    :) I wish you get over it soon, because it's really hard to deal with.
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