Maybe...I just wouldn't want another Crisis Core. Also, who else would be in the party? FFX2 only worked out because of dress spheres...i cant imagine Braska Auron and Jecht using dress spheres xD. Also, who would they fight? Fiends, yeah, but what about bosses? And what would be the final boss anyways?
As far as bosses it would be pretty hard, but they had to have had a hard journey just like everyone else so I'm sure they would have some boss fiends. And you might control Auron as he fights Yunalesca, not that you could win, but it would still be cool. And either that or Sin would be the last battle. I guess you'd control Braska's final Aeon. That could be pretty cool, but if they didn't do it right it'd probly suck though.
I actually don't want one. I absolutely adore FFX, with something bordering on unhealthy, but, I don't think it needs a prequel, I actually think it would just ruin it and I would hate for FFX to turn into another FF7 and be whored for all eternity. It is fine as FFX and FFX2 (which I do like, but I sometimes wish they hadn't made it, I hate how they had the chance to have really strong female leads and blew it up)
No. To be honest, FFX would turn into another overhyped FF7, which has almost transformed into it's own franchise now. I liked FFX as a videogame alot, and I also liked FFX-2 despite it's large amount of femininity. I'd rather they kept it at that.