A Day To Remeber (OOC&SU)

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 15, 2012.

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  1. NYAN CAT =^_^= Destiny Islands Resident

    May 18, 2012
    Gotham City
    A nuclear plant exploded sending tons or radiation into the air of a small city. No known humans were recorded alive. The city has been a ghost town and under all the trash and litter were 6 living people hiding away in buildings. They werent hidden for long. Scientists suspected living beings in these buildings and captured them under the clear night sky. The scientist known as Doctor Grauge, locked these 6 people away in a white concrete room. Only one door remained on the back left wall, always locked, and no way of getting out. One window remained at the very top center of the high raised ceiling. No way of climbing out. Doctor Grauge plans to expirement on the 6 people. Somehow these 6 individuals were exposed to radiation, and instead of dying, gained supernatural abilities. Doctor Grauge has drugged you and when you awake you have no known memories of what happened. Just when you start to realize something suspicious about yourself, the Doctor plans to kill you, as he says you are dangerous and unstable, he will take you into a seperate room apart from the others and kill you. Can you escape safetly and save yourself from your unfortunate fate?

    Female 1
    Female 2
    Female 3
    Male 1
    Male 2
    Male 3

    Character Template:
    Picture url or discription:
    Supernatural ability:

    I am flexible on the rules.
    Basic RP rules apply.
    No Power Playing. Your not invinsible.
    Romance -if any- dont be so discriptive.

    If any questions or concerns PM me.
  2. ArosFarron Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 3, 2012
    Kitty, I shall join your RP since you joined mine
    Character Template:

    Username: ArosFarron
    Character name: Jacob Walker
    Gender: Male
    Picture url or discription: later
    Supernatural ability: Technomancy. Able to control small machines with his mind.
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