Who here actually plays Pokemon, and hell, even Yugioh on the side, even after they've past their 16th birthday? Because I'm quite curious on who I need tabs on once I unpack my white version in a month and a half
I went through a phase last year of playing a lot of Pokemon roms. I still kinda like Yu-Gi-Oh but I don't have any cards anymore. I had the PSP games for a while but I recently sold them.
I don't collect cards of anything anymore. If I can, I see if I can do it online. Sometimes that might not happen though, but it's not that big of a deal. I think I keep more with pokemon than yugioh because it stays mostly the same except every few generations when they bring in some new (like the fairy type this time). I mostly keep playing yugioh to try and keep up what little strategy I have left for card games, even though the new rules every year are a giant pain
I'll never not play Pokémon. I'm 21. Those games are just something I will always enjoy, and the care they're putting into the storylines lately makes them interesting, as do the new gyms and Pokémon and everything else. The games may have started for children, but they're definitely not designed that way anymore.
Well, I wouldn't say they aren't designed for children anymore, but you're right, they certainly feel like they're being made for the older generation. Kinda like a "Look, we made a new game of your childhood, so we'd like you to enjoy the game with new mechanics we added while newer players will never know the painful memories of not having the awesome things now".....or something like that. I should have learned by now I can't talk as someone else.
I play pokemon all the time and so does a good chunk of my friends, I also spend most of my time on /vp/ And my college roommate and I play yugioh all the time and we met tons of people who play as well in college. Building yugioh decks is one of my favorite pass times, I currently have about 10-13 working decks of varying functionality. All real cards too, I prefer actual cards rather than the online stuff. Honestly once you become an adult there's the people who do those things and the people who don't, and most people don't even care enough to judge the ones who do. People are a lot more tolerant.
I'm loud and proud to say that I still watch the original Yu-Gi-Oh! I also still have almost all of my cards from special events during my childhood (from seeing the movies and stuff), but alas, I don't play it at all anymore. Pokemon is something I'll look forward to every once in a while, such as the upcoming Pokemon X & Y, but life has intervened much time out of devoting myself to play it overall.
You've met a lot more tolerant people than me I suppose. Most who I tell that I play pokemon/yugioh they usually just give me a funny look and walk away....or just the funny look plus a grunt or "ugh" noise. And the only reason I don't really collect the cards anymore is because I don't know anyone since Nevada who plays with them, there's no competitions held near me, and there's so many new cards that keep coming out, if I were to keep buying them, I'd need more room to keep them, and I already have no where to really keep them anyways. But at least I'm good with messing around with structure decks and improving on them. (don't have enough decents cards [as in newer ones] to make a good deck, so I just add the good ones I still own that help my decks I already have) The last time when I still played with cards was when I was going to Options in High school, and there was one guy I managed to play during break. He managed to beat me every time because he paid a ridiculous amount for specific cards online (I'm talking like $25 for a stardust dragon), but I was still doing really well with the Dark Abyss deck, or whatever is was.
I play pokemon only when I'm in the mood to play it, oddly enough my mood to play pokemon has gotten me in the mood to rewatch digimon. XD
I keep meaning to finish White 2, but I can't tear myself away from The Walking Feels, Shadow of the Colossus, and Hatsune Miku's Project Diva Italicized Lowercase F. As soon as I do get around to finishing White 2, though, I'm planning on doing a randomized playthrough of either White or ShinyGold to whet my whistle for Pokemon Y.