Slap. Swollen eyes, red and puffy, averted themselves downwards. Tears streamed from them, tears resulting from an action so dire, one cannot explain the emotional anguish it forced the female to experience. Click. The wooden door, standing tall, acted as her bodyguard. It listened to her, defended her, and took the demons away with its serious mannerisms. The doorknob rattled, screeching warnings of oncoming threats as she stood with her shield, fiercely defending her fort. Her adamant features declared war. Slam. A scream. A single scream, bloodthirsty and wicked rumbled through her frame. Goosebumps scaled her arms, forcing the hairs on her arms to stand to attention, along with those on her neck. She didn’t want this. As much as the adrenaline the pounded her arteries and veins argued, she did not feel a thrill of danger, a hunger for more. She wanted silence. But everything came at a price. Everything came with something one must endure, and endurance was something one could only wish to obtain. Boxers had endurance. Wrestlers had endurance. Sportsmen and woman had immense endurance. She was not any of those. She was a girl. A small girl willing to take a little and give a lot. A girl with dreams and wishes upon the shining stars that glinted in the sky. She was a girl with little hope and immense ideas. Silence. Her wish, the one she wanted beyond all others in her moment of danger, had been granted. No wizard great and wise, nor fairy godmother kind and warm had made her wish become reality. Life was not that easy. If only. Crack. There were several. Three in the ribs, two in the arm and one in the skull. She was the one screaming this time. Beep. Beep. Beep. She was a girl. A small girl willing to take a little and give a lot. A girl with dreams and wishes upon the shining stars that glinted in the sky. She was a girl with little hope and immense ideas. But all things have to change.