Im probably gonna get a total slagging here but whatever Im so sick of people saying bad things about the twilight dont like it dont watch it or read it...its so simple...I myself am a Twilight saga fan and no this isnt just because i am one...its really annoying and pointless everyone has their own opinions and if you dont like it...fair dont even have to talk about it! but all just go on and on and on about how 'gay' it is -_- seriously... well...glad i got that out.
although i do admit, being a part of the twihaters group; We can get just as bad as the Twifans. But on the part where you said " dont watch it or read it" Would you rather us say false things on something we have no idea about?
1. I was practically dragged to that movie because my friend wanted to go. 2. I used to actually enjoy twilight before the media sucked all the good out of it and made those horrible films. 3. You could have just posted this in the other thread. 4. I am all for different opinions and I'm allowed to express mine. 5. And just for the record I don't spend all of my days hating on Twilight. It's not that important to me. I made that thread literally an hour after I saw the movie. 6. If you think it's so pointless you should let it go and not pretty much ask for a feedback by making a thread.
this was a spurr of the moment thread...I was already annoyed about wasnt the other thread that kicked this one off...
There's actually some people who dislike the series because it sucks, not because it looks like it sucks as opposed to the people who hate it because it doesn't measure up to their idea of a vampire. I like the {book} series. I wouldn't call myself a fan of it though. I wouldn't describe it as a "great" series at all either. Meyer needs to work harder.
If you're going to argue your point against a certain persons thread, saying that their thread is stupid and pointless, don't make another thread about it. It's ****ing stupid.
It has f*ck all to do with the other i said in another post I was already annoyed about it -_- god wish I hadnt opened my mouth now cant even make a thread on this place anymore -_-
I can look at other threads...I was looking at comments...but whatever...think what you like. you have your opinon I have mine.
I picked up Twilight for all intents and purposes of trying to find a new book series to get into. I figured I'd give it a chance before I formed an opinion. I read up until the point where Edward sparkled. I ended up giving the book to a friend for a birthday gift. Vampires = alpha predators. Alpha predators should not sparkle. <_>; But that doesn't mean that other people can't like it just because I say I don't like it.