My dad is a total Glenn Beck freak (if you haven't at least heard of him, you've had your head up your ass for a while now. If you haven't heard of him. Realize I said that, not "if you don't like him. No political fights pl0x). Complete. Drooling. Zombie. I like some of the dudes points, but I'm not bowing in front of the t.v. when the dude's show comes on. However, I just managed to spill my peach tea all over my dad's book by Glenn Beck. The hell should I do? I thought about eating it to get rid of the evidence, but I now realize that won't work.
Burn it and eat the ashes. That's how I was taught to get rid of secret documents. In this case it's a document in a condition that you want kept secret. Same difference.
Hide it. Then dispose of it on Garbage Day. Then buy him Glenn Beck's next book, don't worry knowing Glenn Beck the wait won't be long.
Meh, I cleaned it up slightly. Now there's just some weird splotch on his forehead. If he ever says anything, I'll be like... Dad: "The F---!?!?! MY IDOL IS RUINNNNNED! NOOOOOO! Nooooooo! *whispers* nooooooo!" Me: "lolwut?" Dad: "Explain. Now." Me: "Well, don't you remember?" Dad: ". . .Explain." Me: "Like, the other night you were totally wasted, and passed out in your lazy chair. And the book was slipping off your lap. So I dove for it, not wanting its awesome-ness *cough* to touch the dirty floor. And I did, and caught it, but you like suddenly came out of your stupor and got up so fast you knocked your peach - I mean whatever it was you were drinking all over me and the book." Dad: "... Oh, ok. Here's a thousand dollars. Go buy yourself a new t.v. and Xbox 360." At least, that's how I think it would work out.