How are you prepping for E3 2012? Have you built your fort yet? Have you supplied the snacks? Are you ready for Kingdom Hearts 3 and The World Ends with you 2 to be announced? Spoiler lol
No. I'm ready for a myriad of announcements for sequels, DLC, ****** social networking casual babby apps, facebook games, kinect and move games, and nothing exciting whatsoever. YAYYYY
Though this IS true for the most part, there's still the excitement that comes with the impending dissapointment. Edit:TRIG I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE THAT WAS YOU!
I don't really have much hype for this. I can't even watch it, since I don't have the channel. My parents just had to buy the stupid top 120 channels and not 200. Is there any way for me to watch it live online?
There's like a billion livestreams for it IGN has one. I wonder is Microsoft will be able to top this Also I think you guys are forgetting that there's going to be another Konami press conference this year.