
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by ???, Dec 2, 2006.

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  1. ??? Banned

    Oct 10, 2006
    Who do you think did it?

    i think.......Osama
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well there is many things that could have started it, and things that come to mind when you hear or think about it.

    Some say it's a government conspiracy, that George plotted with the middle east so that we could go to war. Then it was said THAT was a lie, and the government only said that to exploit the fear of their power on the public. Then now they say it's just still a bunch of crazy people.

    I honeslty don't know what to think started it.
  3. Roxas OG

    Sep 26, 2006
    Cin's basement
    I think it was the government.


    I like trouble.
  4. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    I wouldn't say that its was the government directly, but I definitely think that the government, with their intelligence agencies and all, at least knew that something was going to happen. Then they weighed their options: it turns out that an attack like 9/11 would help them manipulate the public so they could go make war, so they let things just happen.

    Anyways, that's one theory but I'm not stucking to it. I really can't say for sure.
  5. Claryssa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 9, 2006
    In my own little world.
    It was a terrorist attack. If earlier presidents had taken their heads out the ground and stood up for the country, I doubt 9/11 would have happened. There were a number of attacks by the same group well before Bush was elected. Those were left alone. During Clinton's time, there were points in which he could have captured Osama, he didn't give the order.

    Do I think the government had a hand in it? Oh yes and don't think I'm trying to make Bush out to be completely innocent either, there were things he could have done in attempt to prevent the attack. No, I don't think it was an excuse to go to war, not for our government. I think that it was an ultimate declaration of war from the terrorists.

    So, yes I think we did good to fight back after 9/11. I fear that if we didn't have Bush as a president then, we would no longer be America.

    But then, people say I'm a crazy Republican who thinks the worst of terrorists. :) You can't negotiate with terrorists. People have tried numerous times made America seem like pansies in their eyes. So they got more and more bold and attacked American soil directly.
  6. ??? Banned

    Oct 10, 2006

  7. Roxas OG

    Sep 26, 2006
    Cin's basement
    I don't. Republicans can annoy me so much. I'm sorry, Claryssa, but Bush is a terrible president. Other presidents could do a much better job at handling 9/11 other than Bush. This is coming from an English person. Bush just went *k we lost lotz of money letz go kill sum terror1sts!!!!*

    Finally, now, so many years later, has the withdrawal act been put into notion.
  8. Claryssa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 9, 2006
    In my own little world.
    Tell me, Roxas, what do you think would have been a better choice in reaction to 9/11? We lost more than money, we lost many innocent American citizens.

    The terrorists decided a long time ago that Americans have no right to live, that we are infidels and must die. The American soldiers are fighting terrorists right now to protect our right to live. If we had done anything but fight back, I'd've lost respect for America. I say it's about time we fought back.

    And I still fail to see how Bush is such a bad president. :p

    And don't worry, Democrats can piss me off.
  9. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    Ok, first, Osama has still not been captured... for many reasons. I have no doubt whatsoever that if the US really wanted to capture him they could. We have satellites that can track ANYONE!

    second, where did this all of a sudden switch from "osama and the twin towers!", to "saddam and liberation!". seriously, people completely forgot about osama bombing us and instead focused on saddam and how we had to go fight him because he had WMD (which he did not... we have had them for years)

    also, bush claimed that the war would be a quick one with few casualties and little money involved, but we're still at it. the casualties on both sides have been trmendous and the money loss had been outstanding! reports suggest that if this continues the US will soon have a national debt in which if we pay with the combined total money of the four most rich citizens/org. (bill gates and google among these) we would only cover the interest. (we've been borrowing money from china, among other places).

    i am a liberal, but do not think that being one clouds my mind. the power struggle in the world goes way beyond you and me. its been a battle that has been waged for years and human life, patriotism, and all the great stuff has no value in it. and the war right now is a power struggle. and the US and all those other countries are fighting without care for their people. you really need to open your eyes and see that. and while all politicians have their own interest in mind, some go to greater lengths than others to achieve their goals, and bush has gone completely over the top with the destruction he has caused.

    if you guys are really interested, checkout www.truthout.org.
  10. Claryssa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 9, 2006
    In my own little world.
    Oh yes, our technology is sooo far. Not that far hon. We don't have sattelites that can track anyone, we have to know WHERE they are before we can track them, can you give someone the current coordinates for Osama?

    Second, they did find materials to make WMDs and there were reports of trucks leaving the area soon after Bush announced we were going in to check for WMDs. ^^ On top of that there are terrorist bases in Iraq, so of course we had to go in.

    When did Bush say the war would be quick? Give me a quote, better yet, find an audio/video clip. I'm almost positive that he said just the opposite. War costs, politicians have other agendas, I won't argue that. However, we would not be losing as much if Clinton had not cut defenses down to the bare bones when he was in office. >.<

    I believe that everyone's opinion clouds them, even yours, even mine... There is no political opinion without a bias. My beliefs and interpretations of the happenings lead me to the Republican side yours lead you to the Democrats.

    Fighting terrorists without care for their people? How so? What do you say that they are fighting for then? Or is the lack of care because they are sending soldiers who freely signed up for the military to war?

    By the way, our casualties are still quite low for having been in this war for over five years.
  11. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    That's mostly because we didn't send enough troops.

    Anyway, i can't argue that President Bush said the war would be quick, but i can tell you that the people who supported him did. Here's an example from Vice President Cheney...

    June 20, 2005
    Here's another quote from Mr. Cheney the next year...

    June 19, 2006 (almost exactly a year later... coincidence :D )

    At this point it doesn't matter what the government was intending to do when the first initiated the war on terror. They've screwed it up so badly at this point that there's really nothing else we can do. We've been in afghanistan for five years and iraq for three and neither of them has a stable government.

    They said that "we would be greeted as liberators", but that's blown up in our faces. we said we were spreading democracy, but we've just been destroying the government they are used to and their way of life. I say it's time we got out of there. The cause is lost.
  12. Roxas OG

    Sep 26, 2006
    Cin's basement
    The War on Terror has done nothing but kill people. I don't see why we even went in there in the first place. It was a stupid decision made by equally stupid people.
  13. Camel Banned

    Sep 30, 2006
    Like Bush and Saddam Hussien & Osama Binladen.
    They are all stupid.
  14. JackS27 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 20, 2006
    Right behind you. Spooky, yes?
    9/11 was a result of the Bush Administration's incompitence at protecting our country, and then they had the audacity to use it to their advantage. I hate when I hear people say "Well, Bush may not be the best president, but he handled 9/11 better than Al Gore whould've." You know what? If Al Gore had been in the White House (which, unless there really was an upsurge of Jews voting for Holocaust-denying Pat Buchanan as Florida counts would have you believe, he should have been), than he would have paid attention to his breifings and 9/11 would probably never have happened. At the very least, we would have been better prepared.

    I'm sad to say that I've come to a point where I'm sick and tired of hearing about 9/11. It doesn't inspire the awe and sadness in me that it should. Why? Because of the uber-patriotism that followed in its wake that gave that this administration has used as an excuse to take our liberties away and go fight a war that has become a disaster. A war, by the way, with a country that had nothing whatsoever to do with the attacks!

    I know this and similar things have been said many times before by many different people, but I'm not just jumping onto a bandwagon here, this is the truth and it scares me.
  15. Roxas OG

    Sep 26, 2006
    Cin's basement
    JackS27 you are completely correct. But it just doesn't seem to get through to Bush followers what really is going wrong. They simply hid behind random nice facts about Bush that really have nothing to do with 9/11, and blame other peopl;e by saying "Well, this person would ave done worse."

    Well, Bush did terrible. Who cares if 'someone' did worse, because 'someone' wasn't there during 9/11. Bush was, and Bush ****ed it all up.
  16. Claryssa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 9, 2006
    In my own little world.
    I have yet to say that Bush has no blame, I am saying however that you are wrong in putting ALL the blame on the Bush administration. There is still the clear fact that previous presidents have tried to negotiate with these people before and they took it as a sign of weakness, thus their their preparation (which took much more than the time that Bush was in office) for the attack on 9/11.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Iraq WAS housing terrorists that were involved the planning for the attack. So, it had something to do with the attack. :D
  17. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    I will reply to the rest later, but one quick thing now. How does that above statement justify us entering Iraq? What are we, the World's Defenders Against Terrorists, Whether You Like It Or Not? Guess what, there are terrorists in so many other countries and we have done nothing about it. What about all those people being killed in Darfur? Do you hear Bush saying, "Let's go to war with them because the are committing genocide!"... no.

    Anyways, you sound a bit hostile. I'm sorry if I mistook your tone, but I want to keep this discussion a friendly debate. I will reply to the rest later when I have time to look up some hard data.

    I completely agree.
  18. Claryssa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 9, 2006
    In my own little world.
    I apologize if I seem hostile... though I am uhsure how. I have been very polite.

    There were terrorists in Iraq that had a hand in the planning the attack on 9/11, does that explain it better? ANd this has been labeled as a 'War on Terror'. We did not choose to go to war on the terrorists the terrorists that we are fight declared war against us.

    You realize that your statement seemed quite hostile as well.
  19. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    Yes, I apologize. I did not mean to direct that at you, the whole topic irks me a bit. I would like to say from here on that I say everything in a friendly manner, and I aplogize for mistaking your tone.

    Just wondering, where did you get the information that there were terrorists in Iraq that had a hand in planning 9/11? And does this justify us going to all out war with them (this would depend on if there were many or only some). If there were only some terrorists, why did we have to go to "liberate" people from Saddam if we were after terrorists? Was Saddam one of these terrorists?

    I would also like to leave you with this that shocked me: I am from Argentina and my late uncle still lived there. One day he called like he usually did every week or so and he told us about something he saw on the news. US soldiers had gone into a civilian's home, had taken the man and woman living there out, along with their children. Keep in mind that these were innocent people. Then, they shot every single on of them..... I was taken aback by this and do not know why this happened. We never see this in our media. Also, what about the tortures? I do not have hard facts on them, but I will try to get some. Still, any tortures are atrocious and the US, as far as I know, committed many tortures.
  20. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Bush is an idiot. He can't make a speech to save his own butt. And, the only reason he went into Iraq is to get back at Hussein for insulting his father.
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