[Ok, it's really unfair for everyone to suddenly hate ALL vampires or any vampire shows/books only because of the Twlilight pansies. Since when the hell is Twlight the milestone to compare all other vampire books? Really...there are BETTER vampires stories out there, with better plots and REAL vampires. There's no reason to hate vamps in general just because of ONE bad vampire series. I've read shitter bullshit than Twilight...YES, they exist.]
I think you are right to a certain degree. I mean,hate Twilight all you want,but don't be all up in everyone's face about it.And try to tell everyone to hate it.I actually know more people IRL that like it than hate it. I mean I don't like the movies and actors,but the books were alright. I mean they aren't all "OMG SO GREAT.BEST.BOOK.EVAAAAHHH." But it's not like they are the worst books ever,I mean they are better than those books you give to younger kids to help to start reading.And Twilight shouldn't make everything having to do with vampires be compared to it.I mean,I don't watch Trueblood or read it but it is different from Twilight IMO. And I read Twilight before it became popular and I actually enjoyed it. I think I just hate the fangirls that are all like "EDWARD IS SOOOOO HAWT.I MEAN OMG!"
I didn't even know there was one, but knowing that was one going one this long, I am also tired of it.
Twilight isn't such a bad series...It just doesn't deserve the attention it's getting, whether good or bad. It's utterly pointless. Neither is there a point in being starstruck over some flippin' actors and actresses who play their role. Just leave it be. If people want to obsess over it, let them...they'll get over it soon enough and see ther stupidity soon enough. Twilight is mostly a "children's moving onto to the teen years" book. Hell, even the princess stories are filled with whiney princesses that get their ass handed to them and then wait in a flippin' tower till the strong, manly prince comes and rescues them. No one seems to care for the Mary-Sue issue right there. THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S A CHILDREN'S STORY.aLittle girls who still believe in their prince in shining armor will OBVIOUSLY like this book, NO ****. Just because vampires replaced the prince, princess and dragons, doesn't mean that ALL vampires are ****. >/
I'm sorry, but I wasn't very fond of vampires even before Twilight, so my opinion isn't entirely based on that.
I still love vampires I'm into the Vampire Academy novels (4th Installment is out this month yippee) but I agree, my friends are trying to kill the whole vampire genre for me
We NEVER would forget something as classic and epic as you sir x3 I agree with Pyro & Haley on this one. It's not that I don't like the books, it's the whole fan-bullshit that drives me nuts. Plus, haven't any of you heard Buffy and all those other vampire stories that kick ass? Forget Twilight. You fall in love with the books not the cheap rip-off of a movie. It was a silent film for ****s sakes. Biggest action was Bella getting bashed & the Baseball Game, those scenes were cool xD