[video=youtube;qlUG8F9uVgM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlUG8F9uVgM[/video] I just finished watching this line reading and I personally think it was amazing. First off, many of my favorite actors got involved in this production. I loved how powerful it could be at times, and also how heart breaking it was. The genuine moments really came from when they broke off for a minute or two to look at the lesbian couple with their children. Of course, one must look at this objectivity. Using the news clips was a nice touch, but it brought up the idea of religion, but they never expanded on it. That can be forgiven though because that's not what this play was trying to talk about. The play claims to be based around the final arguments of Perry vs Schwarzenegger, but I don't believe they accurately portrayed the oppositions debates (of course, we'll never know since the recordings of the case are not made public). For all we know, the opposition could have had more arguments. Still, it is a very well done production, one that's a true sight to see if you love watching plays. I personally thought it would get boring half way through, but I was mesmerized throughout the entire thing. Thoughts, KHV?