Or for those too lazy to go to another page... Spoiler Anyways, it's mostly me just messing around with my new guitar I got last week. I haven't had much time to practice so it's been ages since I've managed to properly practice. I've gotten a bit more sloppy but I hope to get better soon! ...If time permits anyways. Just posting this for fun really. So...that's my new basis for composing now. If anyone's curious here's the details about my setup: Spoiler: Awesome Setup Guitar: Schecter ATX C-8 Aged White Pickups: Blackouts Tuning(Lowest to Highest) : E B E A D G B E Amp: Roland Cube 30X Effects: Jamman Delay/Looper and a RAT Duecetone distortion pedal. I normally record by using my looper pedal...when I do record anyways.
its like you already know me XDD, the effects are cool and all, but you should at least try playing more songs, and possibly getting a better less wavy mike,but it was overall god and your guitar is very lovely