This is actually from the begining of my time in college. I forget what they call this technique where you place items on photogenic paper and expose it to a light producing machine for a short time in the dark room before developing it. If anyone knows feel free to say. Spoiler ^This was my first one, I just grabbed what I could for this. Spoiler ^This one was a more elaborated dive into the box of random objects to pick out more effective objects. This is also my favorite Spoiler ^I picked up three toys, an Indiana Jones figure, a Strawberry Shortcake figure and a Dash from the Incredibles figure. You should be able to understand how bored I was when I made this. I got quite a few positive giggles. Spoiler ^And yes this is my hand.
Indy and Strawberry are getting it on. B) *bow bow chicka WIOWWIOWWWW* xD Those look trippy, I like 'em. =3 The first one's the best, imo.
These are very nice. I'm not really sure on what I can comment on them except that they were taken well. The hand is eh to me. Its just a hand. I really like the second one; I'm not sure why. They're very good. Keep it up.