3 days to save the world.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008.

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  1. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    Based on "Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask". It goes like this: Each of our characters has been transformed by the power of Majora's Mask. We are either Deku Scrub, Goron, or Zora until we turn back to normal.There are three main tasks to complete: 1. Turn back to normal. To do this you must first obtain your stolen instrument. 2. Meet up with all the heroes. 3. Defeat Majora's Mask. After you turn back to normal you will obtain three masks. Any three except the transforming masks, INCLUDING Fierce Deity, Iron Giant, etc. Just so you know You will talk to my character any time you need help my character will answer your questions. Sorta like Shiek in OoT. Now I myself will own all three of the Transforming masks. You can set back time using the Song of tTme but you will have to do everything over again. Anyways... Have fun!

    OC Form:

    Played by:
    Transformation (Zora, Goron, Deku Scrub):
    3 masks (After turning back to normal):
    Anything else:


    Name: Xero
    Age: 12
    Played by: XcatisX
    Transformation (Zora, Goron, Deku Scrub): N/A
    3 masks (After turning back to normal): Deku Scrub mask, Zora mask, Goron mask.
    Instrument: Bass guitar made out of assorted animal bones.
    Personality: Quiet and often lost in thought. But tries his best to help destroy Majora's Mask. He thinks of himself as leaving off where the Hero of Time left off.
    Anything else: No.
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