I hear noises outside of my window. First was something crashing on the metal thing out there and now something dragging/walking in the grass. Probably just an animal or something, but I have paraonia. Not too mention that the dog stopped barking the moment or the moment before I heard the noise. I've seen the movies, the animals always know. I would look out my window but the only time I ever look out any window is when the curtains are open due to my fear of doing so. I still hear the noises. Did I really piss off Slender man so he sent Tothearch(probably misspelt but I don't care atm and I think it's too late to try and please him) after me? Oh snap. If I go missing, tell Beyond that I loved him. D':
Oooh, I've heard stories of this sort of thing before. Tell me, if it's quite dark outside and your computer begins to make weird noises then it's a zombie Bahamut coming to eat you. So what you do is take a rake, cover it will butter and throw it out the window- he'll run away, he fears butter.
Thankfully it is day time. If it were night then I probably wouldn't even be able to type and have a knife in hand, which is only right next to me at the moment. And I did not know that. I do have butter in the house, but the rake is outside. Would a broom work instead?
Yes, but things could get very messy. Oh you might also want to check it's not the hum of the fridge, that can be quite scary O.o
It is advised you use coathangers to make the rake teeth. It isn't quite as effective but it may be the closest you're going to get.
Oh my. So informative. Thanks for the help guys. I think I am prepared for a zombie Bahamut now. ...But what if it is something else?