10 Years Ago...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Day~Dream, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    on this fateful Summer day (which was a lot warmer (it's frickin' cold today)) a noob by the name of darkblademaster907 joined this gem of a site (officially.) They had lurked around for quite some time and decided to join that day finally cuz why the **** not. Of course, being the shy crustacean that they were, they didn't even make an introduction thread cuz shy feels and shiz.

    The first time they posted it was in the spamzone. The thread no longer exists, but I vaguely remember it being between a bunch of the well known members, and some freaky sh*t was going down in that thread XD My first post was something along the lines of "you guys are hilarious" and then a randomly and poorly added wink.

    For a while I didn't really do much or post much b/c of the disease that is the shyness. It wasn't until I started rp'ing that I really came out my shell. I don't remember which rp was my first, but I do remember the rp that changed everything for me not only on this site but in my life as well.


    It was in that rp that I made my first set of friends that forever changed my experience on this site. Before I knew it we had our own little group (well, it wasn't all that little when it first started x3) I was talking to a bunch of people all day everyday, and we all knew each other and considered each other close friends/a really weird family.

    We rp'd together, texted each other, friended each other on social media, spoke to on the phone with each other, we even had a bet going on, on who could reach prem first (I obviously lost) and even ended up getting a warning from CtR, but I didn't mind cuz it was CtR and any interaction from that majestic being was always welcomed. By then I had transformed into Day~Dream and left some of my noobiness behind.

    Of course, the happy times did not last too long. Feelz started getting in the way and people began dating within the group (myself included) That introduced all types of drama within our dynamic (some of which was embarrassingly public due to most of it being on the profile chats and some unfortunate threads having been created)

    It was on this site that I not only experienced true friendship, but also experienced my first heartbreak, when yours truly got dumped on Christmas Eve for another member XD (good times...)

    By then things had already changed. Some people had left the crew, but that only made those that remained closer. A little too close... >.> *insert more drama*

    Some time later I finally realized what a dependence I had on this site. By then most of my close friends here had left, and the other people I still did speak to, we spoke off site so there really wasn't a reason for me to keep coming back. I stayed away from the site for quite some time, popping in every now and again to see how things were then bowing out again. It wasn't until around a year or 2 ago that I came back for good b/c I missed this place and the people on it.

    I knew things weren't going to be the same since every friend I had made here was years gone by then. Even the ones I spoke to off site we lost contact eventually. If anything there's only 1 member now I contact every now and again on FB, but nothing major.

    It was then I decided to finally make a presence and be more involved within the site like participating in events and being more opinionated (something I didn't really do back then) and I haven't looked back since.
    My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner when everyone was still around.


    Man, my time here has been one crazy roller coaster. It was a big part of my childhood and teen hood, and now my adult hood you could say. There were some really good times as well as scarring dark times, but I wouldn't trade any of it.

    Aaand that is my history summed up on this site. Happy anniversary to me. Still can't believe it's been a decade.

    ... What happens now? x3
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2017