10 Golden Rules of Computer Applications

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by khhottie30, May 24, 2008.

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  1. khhottie30 Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 19, 2007
    Why should you care?
    My Computer Apps teacher wrote these down on the board yesterday, and I was so bored, I decided to write them down, too. So, here they are:

    Golden Rule #1: A busy boy is a happy boy
    Golden Rule #2: A busy girl is a happy girl
    Golden Rule #3: Work is good, work is fun, work is how we get things done!
    Golden Rule #4: You have to do what you're supposed to do in order to do what you want to do!
    Golden Rule #5: MTV is a tool of the DEVIL
    Golden Rule #6: If it ain't yours don't bother it!
    Golden Rule #7: If you don't know where it's been, leave it alone - it may give you cooties!
    Golden Rule #8: If both people aren't enjoying it, it's probably harrassment!
    Golden Rule #9: If you want to help someone, tell them how - don't do it for them!

    AND Golden Rule #10:

    Disney Channel makes you gay

    Everyone in my class says he has problems, and they heard him say he's racist.
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