10,000 ways yo get kicked out of a store v4

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Kannira the wolf, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. Kannira the wolf Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 4, 2008
    Gilneas City, Gilneas.
    Welcome to "10,000 ways to get kicked out a store", V4! Below are the previous "10,000 ways to get kicked out of a store" thread. Be sure to check them out before you start playing, so that you can get a better view of this game.
    10,000 ways to get kicked out of a store, v 1.0

    10,000 ways to get kicked out of a store, v 2.0
    10,000 ways to get kicked out of a store, V 3.0


    1. Again, the limit is 5,000 posts a thrad. Therefore, you are permitted to list more than one ways.

    2. BE SURE to put a number next to it. Example:
    Poster 1:
    1. <Insert Text Here>
    Poster 2:
    2. <Insert Text here>
    3. <Insert Text Here>

    3. Please don't do anything to get this thread locked, such as starting flame wars.

    If needed, I will add new rules, but let's try not to let that happen.

    And, BEGIN!

    1. Poke the manager. When he tells you to stop, poke him again. If he/she tells you to get out, bite their arm. That will teach the betch >.>

    Edit: Could someone please fix the typo in the title?