Yup, but "exclamation marks" in math are easy. And I suck at math 8D Edit: What grade are you in? You might be doing it this year.
1! = 1. Hence you can do a factorial of one, it just isn't very interesting. It certainly doesn't equal 2.
Not quite what I was going for... It's a little itty bit of java code called a relational operator 1 != 2 = = 1 doesn't equal 2 Stargate was a good show btw, i'm sad they ended it...
Dude, fuck Java programming. I'm probably saying that because my teacher was horrible at teaching it. I thought it was somewhat interesting. I completely forgot about that, though.
Close, and kinda right. But what does the ! sign signify? What does it do to say 3 to get the answer 6?
Yeah you're right :P But this isn't big deal now, if it was something else mor important then yeah I'd push them to find it on their own.
It's actually the number multiplied by every integer number before it down to and including 1. So 4! = 4x3x2x1 = 24 etc.