Here's my newest siggeh, it took forever to find more c4ds >.< I think I did better this time... but it's big o-o :3 Cnc?
The effects seem a little overwhelming, now xD Not much depth in here, I would say use the brun tool and dodge tool in this sig, as well as the blur and sharpen tool. The sig has no flow, but that doesn't mean it's bad at all. It just looks better to the eye, y'know? the use of c4d's isn't all that great.... try and use them for flow and minor effects, not make the whole sig out of them. This sig is okay, but I have seen better from you.
I love you for making this sig. <3 Inu pwns. I have nothing to say about it, I think all of it is perfect.
I really don't want to be mean, but ew. 0.0 First off, I personally think there is way too much stuff going on in this sig. You either used a way too big c4d, or you used way too many. Also, way too much red, and where there is yellow, it just doesn't fit in with the rest of the sig. Oh, and also, the size is kinda outta whack...
For some reason, the size really detracts from the sig. It appears that the C4Ds are placed just randomly without some kind of alignment or flow. It could use more colors besides the red. Some text would work as well, maybe on Overlay. 6/10
The sig is wayyyy too big, and the dude looks a little like he's drowning in all the effects. The blending of the render is pretty good, but the colors need some major work. Use a few Gradient Maps. If you're using Gimp (I think you are), play with the Deep Sea and Incandescent Gradients; they give a nice effect. The little green blotch on the right side of his head is a little empty, and the C4d's are really scattered about with no flow. I can see the smallest trace of flow on his right arm, but that's it. I've seen better from you, but you can improve by using C4d's. C4d's should be used to add flow or effects, not create the entire background.
This woman speak words of wisdom! Follow up to 'em! :D As for a personal remark, I find the sig kinda blinding. This could definately be improved. PS - your avie makes me lol.