Yay for Japanese title. Anyway, this started out as making a request for my shop, but then I found a cool effect and tried it out on here. ;D I still need to add text, but CnC plzkthnx.
Hmm. It looks good. But I think you need to do something to blend the effects into the person more. :\ Also, fix the background pronto. It's too plain. But tis very nice on the eyes.
It sucks *** grfo. jk. It's pretty good, but there are these random effects everywhere. I say just foucus on the focal, and erase everything else.
I like the way you flowed everything together onto the focal. The outside is a bit plain, but I'm sure that's what you were going for. Get some abstract brushes and put them all over the plain parts and put them low opacity on overlay. It wouldn't be half bad if you soft brushed one part such as under the ears where the turtle neck starts or under the chin with a bright color such as pink or yellow. A lighter blue can go to. Then make that soft brush glow onto linear dodge. It'll look hawtttt. GJJ though. Lookin' good.
Ah, actually. I got something else. Crop some from the right. It looks too long and adds too much neg space.
Daaamn It looks hot now. Maybe lower the purple's opacity a bit. It looks great. All you need is text lawl.
Woo. That's deff hawter. <: Me like. =D Although I think it demands swirly effects on the sides or something. >;O