Discussion in 'Social Groups' started by Jayn, May 5, 2013.


Go with Mr. Coffee-Skin?

Poll closed May 5, 2013.
  1. Yes!!

  2. No!!

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    W H A T xxW I L Lxx Y O U xx D O ? ?

    Are you guys alright? Oh my Lord, what am I saying, look at this mess! My wife and I were just headin' out when we heard a ... a sound just like a ... like a bomb, almost! The helmsman, a tall, coffee-skinned man with dark hair and speckled green eyes turned to his wife for confirmation. She nodded with wide, worried eyes. We came around the bend there and ... Wow, this is just a disaster! We can fit a few more in the boat here, would you guys like some help? ... It doesn't look like anyone else is comin', so we can take a few back with us and call someone!

    GO? // STAY?
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    I already voted yes and now I wish I could change my vote:

    re-reading this thing over, and it could just be me over-analyzing it, something seems a bit wrong. The actions of the man seem relatively calm("Wow, this is just a disaster!"). There was also a mention that a Ferry would normally have an alert system. These people are claiming that "no one else seems to be coming" but someone else would be if there was an alert system(unless something happened to it).

    So I do not know... if you guys see this that is what I think...
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