I've been practicing with placement and colour in some avatars. Figure I'd dump them. CnC would be great. ❤ xxx xxx I may or may not add some others a bit later.
Wow they are really cool! My favorite is the blond haired girl with the flying pokemon(Don't remember names haven't played Black and White in forever xD) The picture of Dawn was really cool too but mostly I like the pokemon pictures xD
Wow, these are so nice! The pictures of Dawn and the one under it, also the second pictures are really nice. You did an amazing job!
The only thing I have to complain about is in the last couple, the one with green hair, it seems a bit poor-quality. His hair is a little grainy and the colors seem to fit in a little too much in the color of the site, in the Final Mix Theme on here. Other then that, I really like these. Some I can't really tell what they are, but that's all with placement and that improves with more practice. c: Great job.
Ah, looking back at it in the Final Mix theme, it does blend in quite too much haha. I might go back and smooth him out later. And I agree that some are really weird in their placement, especially the one with the feet coming out the side. Don't mind a bit! Thanks a ton. <3
These are really nice. I like what you did with the colors. I agree that the last few are not as great quality wise but the others make up for it! Nice job :3