NRA = no_reality_allowed? Well since it's a present, I won't bother with the crits - plus it's basically well proportioned out, only a couple of itty bits here and there. ...And I'm a little lazy. Dx So some irrelevant mushy "This is shoo cute!!!" comment will have to do for the moment. (....she's the present! *so tempted to just pull off the flimsy cloth that's wrapped around her chest*)
I luv it so much, best birthday present ever :3 Now only one thing to do.......unwrap it >=D *puts picture on iPod*
Aww.. my gift to NRA fails compared to this. D: It's cool. ^__^ .....can't wait for my birthday gift, Alice.... xD; jk.
Haha... sweet pic. I like her angel wing tattoos on her back. --- Happy birthday NRA! ^_^ P.S.- I want a pic for my b-day Alice XP
Mish you present has beyond failed compaired to the shmexyness of this picture xP It's nRa.....not RNA >__>
I'm going to try from now on to keep up with presents for birthdays and holidays. Being such a horrible procrastinator though I can make no guarantees. DX